Saturday, March 27, 2021

To Reconcile This

\ I admire Jordan Peterson deeply as a brilliant, ethical, truth-telling man that has done an awful lot of good. His insistence on the inescapability for humans to organize themselves socially within hierarchical structures, and that is how it is to be with the brightest and most competent running things at the apex, with the majority of people trapped and without power, money or options at the broad base of the hierarchy. But, as Eric Hoffer so eloquently disagrees, American history and experience repudiates Peterson's conclusions. Hierarchical society with class system, tyranny, near slavery with the oppressed having no power, money or say, and the few oppressor at the the top wielding most of the money, power and say--that is the historical human story, that fell apart in America. Here upward mobility is a real possibility if anyone works hard, relentlessly. They will improve their lot, and this meritorious competence has much less to do with intelligence, but much more to do with self-discipline and hard work. I know to the core of my being that hierarchies, class systems and elites running things is a system that sickens, corrupts and thwarts being liberated for all humans. Hierarchies are an instincitive arrangement for humans to erect, construct and maintain but the degree to which lawful, legal, well-planned anarchy or minarchy replaces hierarchical society in most of its institutions, whose citizens grow into individuating supercitizens, able to manage their own affairs without much state regulation or interference. A society of constitutional republicnim nd free market economics will allow a nation of individuating anarchist to create a classless soceity of uppermiddle class superachievers. This is the future not for Jordan to reintroduce a caste system. There will always be a caste system but it must be weak and not influential and central to releasing people to run their own lives.

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