Sunday, March 14, 2021

Prager Rules

I took some short notes on a snippet from one of Dennis Prager's Fireside Chats. He is reading an email from a college student complaining about her/his professor going on about the concept of whiteness. Prager derided the woke professor: "Your professor is a racist and an idiot . . . The Left makes up lies and then build theories on it." My response: Prager did not, in so many words, note that the stupid, racist professor is reverse-racist against whites, but that is what is implied, and is obvious to me. The Left does not want to end racism and injustice: they beat the dead horse of white supremacy to justify their plan to stoke up hatred against whites, to the point that we are to blame for anything wrong, for anyone, anywhere in the world, allegedly so innately vicious and corrupt that Jim Crow and every legal and social injustice against us is justifiable. Reverse slavery, confiscating our wealth, and then depriving us of life as genocide against us gets under way once their Marxist revolution and takeover of America is complete. We must stay armed, united and fight back and fight back hard against these racists. The lies, of systemic racism and white supremacy being alive, wide spread and rampant in 2021, were concocted by the Left and murdering us will be their Final Solution, the logical limit of their spurious theories against us.

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