Sunday, March 7, 2021


Townhall editorial contributor, Derek Hunter, wrote a piece posted at Townhall on 2/28/2021. The article is: Democrats Manufacture Racism. I would like to quote from this article and then comment on these quotes: "If you want to tear apart a country, really have the people hate each other, the playbook the Democrats are following would be the way to do it. Take something irrelevant, but over which people can do nothing, and build it up into everything. Convince people others are out to get them, thereby absolving them of any responsibility for problems in their life, and they will eventually give up. Convince others they are perpetrators of something horrible, which only works with those out of real problems, and you have the makings of Nazi-esque powers of manipulation. This is what Democrats are doing with race, and it can no longer simply be laughed off. It must be actively confronted and exposed." My response: Democrats manufacture racism in America to pit group against group so that hatred, division and mistrust will build until civil war breaks out, and they can justify a Leftist President declaring martial law under emergency powers, then to be made permanent as a socialist dictatorship. This is their aim, and this is now they will achieve it, and it very well may work. Whites are smeared and denigrated as perpetrators of racism, which they are innocent of, and ironically, competing--now competing that used to cooperate more or less with whites--groups are becoming increasingly racist towards and hostile towards whites. The Left ruins all that it touches, and race-baiting is one of their most cruel and ingenious means of tearing America apart. Let me quote Hunter further: "The tip of the spear in this mental race-war movement on the left are Ibram Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, with their personal Mein Kampfs, 'How to Be an Anti-Racist' and 'White Fragility.' The basic premise of each book is white people are racists and everyone else is a victim. The only way for a white person to not be a racist is to self-flagellate on the altar of progressive politics while cutting a big check to whichever of these grievance grifters happens to be collecting a big payday from the nearest school that day." My response: Leftists are guilty--and much more so-- of whatever evil they accuse conservatives and whites of being guilty of. These charlatans and race baiters need to be tarred and feathered metaphorically and run out of town. Let me quote Hunter further: ". . . Now an entire industry of phony race-grievance exists, and it's motivating damn near everything the Democratic Party does . . . We now have the Cartoon Network running public service announcements telling children to 'see color' when it comes to people. . . Professional grievance has power over stupid people now, and everyone is excited to play." My response: Humans are good and advance as individualist and that deemphasizing the race, gender orientation, color or creedal affiliation of any human is the only way to eliminate racism or bigotry of any kind, because racism and bigotry are group prejudice against inoffensive members of another identity group. To tell children to start seeing color is to judge others by the color of their skin, not the content of their character, as group-livers not as thinking, independent-minded individuals and individuators. That this is what Democrats do not indicate that their whole program is phony, empty and cruel, only meant as cover as its ackers grab power for their Party and themselves, all while pretending to be the champions of the dispossessed, animated by compassion, idealism and superior standards. Let me quote Hunter further: "This racism as anti-racism can only exist as long as people keep funding it. DiAngelo has a new book coming out that promises to keep the gravy train rolling for her and the industry. Called 'Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm,', because no one will ever be 'woke ‘enough. The description says, "Dismantling white supremacy requires white people to commit to a lifetime of education and accountability." My response: The Democrats stoking up hatred of whites is reverse racism, and it inevitably will lead to the increase in white supremacy and white nationalism in America where almost none existed, and then the Left will say: "See, here are actual white racists." Group versus group warfare will end and divide America as the reverse racism of Democrats and Leftists against whites hardens in systemic racism and systemic oppression against whites. It is a cunning but cruel, evil plan for targeting innocent whites. It is time to stay armed and to resist these bigots and Communists.

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