Monday, March 29, 2021

Genesis 3:14-15

Jehovah was furious with the serpent for tempting Adam and Eve (From the 1970 The New American Bible): "Then the Lord God said to the serpent: 'Because you have done this, you shall be banned from all animals and from all the wild creatures; On your belly you shall crawl and dirt you shall eat all the days of your life. I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head and you will strike at his heel." The footnote in that Bible (Page 6) refers to he as Jesus Christ the Redeemer and the Son of God that will ultimately defeat Satan. There seems to be an ancient visceral repulsion between humans and reptiles, especially snakes, so it may be fitting that the slithering, sneaky, cunning, unctuous, reptilian snake is the animal symbol of Satan jealous of and dragging down warm-blooded humans, the favorites of Yahweh, now doomed to demotion, suffering, travail, sin, sickness and death. Satan and his legions, it is implied here, will ultimately be defeated after Christ the Redeemer dies on the cross so that human sins may be forgiven, and that the way of heaven will be opened, and that the House of God will triumph with the coming of Judgment Day. Whether evil is vanquished by good forever or not (I believe these forces are eternally combatting, and each one takes turns winning or losing in different epochs.), it is obvious that Satan rules this world, and all that are good and loving fight the good fight to restore earth to godly rule. Here are these verses in the Holy Bible (KJV): "And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly thou shalt go, and dust thou shalt eat all the days of thy life; And I put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." God cursed and punished the serpent with one of the most powerful curses imaginable. What were Satan's sins? Satan interfered with God's plan for his newly created humans, and sowed rebellion and hatred where love and comity were the bond between Yahweh and the First Couple, that bond of trust and affection now shattered. It could be that the Tree of Life bore fruit that Adam and Eve eventually could have tasted, once they were worthy of receiving so wondrous a gift, a gift offered when they were ready, and when God was willing to share it. God have given them everything else, but held this in reserve, and they violated his commandment that it was forbidden. Perhaps the historical time for them to receive such a marvelous gift had no arrived. They ignored God's timetable, and thought that they knew better than De, which they did not, and their competing insouciantly with God did hurt and anger God. Though people are born evil, part of them is still good or potentially angelic, so the war between Satan and humans is eternal or nearly so long, as these bitter enemies duke it out physically, spiritually and biologically in each person, every day of her life, until the end of time.

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