Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Identity Socialism

In a new Prager U video, Dinesh D'Souza introduces a new socialism that he calls "identity socialism." He points out that historical Marxism about the working class versus the bourgeosie did not catch on in Amdrican as the working class became middle class. Let me quote him: "Today's socialist is about about race, gender and transgender rights. Class is an afterthought. To understand this is to understand the Left’s takeover of the college campus and all the ills that that takeover has spawned; from ME Too to Black Lives Matter to girls competing against biological boys . . . Campus culture has now metastasized into the culture of the whole society . . ." My response: Dinesh as come up with a brilliant epithet, capturing how identity socialism highlights that group identities are the new means of attacking America as unjust. First, the Left poisoned campus life, and now they want to poison the entire society with this crap. Let me quote Dinesh further: "Identity socialism is 'first and foremost about division,' dividing along more than just class, such as along racial, gender, and gender identity lines . . . Blacks and Latinos are in; whites are out. Women are in; men are out. Gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, transgenders are in; heterosexuals are out. Illegals are in, native-born citizens are out." My response: for Marxists, it is all about sowing division ever warfare of group against group; as the civic society deteriorates into anarchy, even civil war, a strong central government is hailed as necessary, and this, is what Marxists wanted all along, to set up a totalitarian strong man, with absolute emergency powers, which, once he possesses them, will refuse to relinquish. A wholesome reform does not push violence, revolution and civil war. They are known by their poisonous fruits. No one should be in or out--to create new haves or new masters and new have nots are slave class, it is suppression too. Let me quote Dinesh some more: "So where did identity socialism come from? Meet Herbert Marcuse . . . Rather that the 'paradise' of Southern California softening Marcuse's disdain for capitalism . . . the more Marcuse prospered, the more he wanted to bring the system down. He had a problem, however . . . A big one. Socialism didn't work in America. Life was too good. The working class in the US didn't aspire to overturn the existing order, they aspired to own a home. How could you foment revolution without revolutionaries? Classic Marxism had no answer for this. However, Marcuse had the answer, almost a hundred years after Marx: college students. 'They would be the recruits for what he termed the Great Refusal--the repudiation and overthrow of free market capitalism . . . 'conditions were perfect.' After all, the college students at the time 'were already living in what was in-effect a socialist commune, who found themselves 'restless and bored,' rather than grateful for the opportunity to study and learn. They were also searching for 'meaning'." My response: Herbert Marcuse was criticized 50 years by Eric Hoffer as a hater of America, of the middle class, of the common people. He was allowed to come here after fleeing Nazi Germany. He as famous, became rich and took advantage of all the blessings allowed under capitalism and constitutional republicanism, and then this elitist, bitter, professor and revolutionary wanted America to undergo revolution. What a nasty man. Marcuse the Marxist was clever, though. When America did not accept and implement revolution under classic Marxist themes, he invented identity socialism. a Marxist revolution disguised as a cultural attack, but it will be a class and economic attack too. If American workers would not serve as his revolutionaries, where would he find useful idiots to lead his socialist revolt? He got spoiled, pampered, privileged, restless college students in the 60s to do his dirty work. Let me quote Dinesh some more: "Of course, as with all successful social movements, timing was critical . . . Here Marcuse was very fortunate . . . that the 60s was the decade of the Vietnam War, and that students faced the prospect of being drafted, inspiring selfish reasons to oppose the conflict. Marcuse and his acolytes turned this selfishness into righteousness by teaching the students that they were draft-dodgers; they were noble resisters who were part of a global struggle for social justice. Marcuse portrayed Ho Chi Minh and the Vietcong as a kind of Third World proletariat, fighting to free themselves from American Imperialism. This represented a transposition of Marxist categories. The new working class were the Vietnamese 'freedom fighters.' The evil capitalists were American soldiers serving on behalf of the American government." My response: The ruination of the American begin in the 60s and it continues today. Now the woke revolution begin on campus all those years ago, and even today they are gaining main strength, spreading all across our society as social justice leading to Marxist revolution is the aim. Now Dinesh points out how Marcusian cultural socialism morphed into full on identity or intersectionality socialism, in which every imaginable "oppressed" identity group is now radicalized, a front for cultural anger and revolt to bring about the Marxist revolution. Let me quote Dinesh: "In addition to the students, Marcuse also found other groups to target. 'The first was the Black Power movement, which was a militant adjunct to the civil rights movement . . . The beauty of this group, from Marcuse's point of view, was that, unlike white students, its members wouldn't have to be instructed in the art of grievance; blacks had grievances that dated back centuries. Race replaced class, with 'black' becoming the working class and 'whites' the capitalist class. Another emerging source of disgruntlement was the feminists . . . Marcuse recognized they too could be taught to see themselves as an oppressed class. This of course would require a further Marxist transposition: 'women' would now be viewed as the working class and 'men' the capitalist class; the class category would now be shifted to gender. Over time, Marcuse believed, the university could produce a new type of culture, and that culture would then spill into the larger society to infect primary education, the news media and entertainment. Even big business, the hated capitalist class, itself, would succumb . . . He was right Identity politics has arrived." My response: Marcuse corrupted and radicalized, first Academia, professors and students, and then slowly identified victim groups were added to the mix. With CRT now taught in corporations, in Hollywood, in schools, at the pulpit, in medias and online, the entire culture may soon be engulfed, or at least respond to such attack. We will be lucky to survive this new . We will be lucky to survive this new Venezuela that the Left and the Democrats are determined to foist off onto us.

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