Saturday, December 18, 2021

Derek Hunter

 Derek Hunter is a podcaster that contributes to He mentioned, I believe he is the source, that the polarization between Progressives and conservatives in America is so solidified now, that there is no middle ground, and no way to patch civil society back together.

The flash that came to me was this: he is correct, and the unalterable split among Americans could lead to the collapse of civil society, even civil war like what happened in Spain in the 1930s. 

Or it will lead to one side or the other achieving utter victory and total domination of the other side. These scenarios seem more likely. Here in America, Mark Levin and I are warning that Leftism (now Communism still in disguise) is a mass movement, and its followers are fanatics, true believers. Big Government is their god, the Democratic Party is their religion, and Marx is their prophet.

This mass movement has been building in America since 1910 or earlier. These people are rude, violent, nasty, bitter, resentful, hating and intolerant of dissent and opposition: they crave complete power over all Americans, wiping out any antagonistic, traditional ideas and viewpoints. No individuals will be allowed any longer. The State will nationalize everything, and the installment of Big Brother totalitarianism is their concrete objective, nothing else, though these vicious, evil people still justify their cruel subjugation of our nation under the pretext of chasing down social justice for the poor, the LGBTQ, people of color, women, non-Europeans, and those hurt by climate change and capitalism.

I went to lunch two weeks ago with an old friend. I never mentioned politics and had no intention of bringing it up. He and I tacitly agreed to disagree ten years ago about politics and remained close. I have not changed--well, not true, I have become more purely a conservative, but I did not bring it up, but he did immediately without being prompted. It was inappropriate and insulting. But he has changed too, for the worse. He sat down and attacked Trump and me out of the gate. He said he could tolerate my opinions and Republican Party but if Trump was reelected in 2024, he was moving to Canada.

Conservatives are often attacked and forced into silence by Progressives that dominate the floor at work, at the bar, in the gym and at parties. They are aggressive, mouthy, bullying, intolerant, self-righteous and confrontational. We conservatives must speak up and fight back aggressively too, or Communism will be the law of the land in 10 years or so. 

 He mouthed the usual platitudes about reasonable Republicans that reach across the aisle, compromise, show-common sense and seeking middle ground to pass legislation, The problem is that the Democrats are now pure Leftists, so almost all their legislation proposal further move us towards unconstitutional loss of rights, economic freedom, and personal privacy in favor of governmental intrusion into and directing of all aspects of our lives, on every level of government. To compromise and be moderate with these fanatics is to surrender, and allow them to wreck one's life, and everyone else's life, Compromise of that kind is immoral. They ruin all they touch. They are smug elitists that think they are smarter and better than anyone with traditional values, but they are educated fools, dumbed down into stupidity and lousy values: their policies that are wrecking everything they touch. They cannot be allowed to make any decisions because their plans are so un-American, pro-Soviet and destructive. The confidence of true believers corresponds to their horrible suggestions to be implemented as policy.

The fanatical Left and principled conservatives are at war, and they are polarized, how will it end? Either we win and they lose, and we save America, and in ten or twenty years, leaders of the Left come back to the middle as loyal opposition, and then we do deals and honorably compromise, once Communism is abandoned, defeated and such revolutionary solutions are completely discredited and opposed actively by most Americans.

Or principled conservatism loses, and the Left wins, setting up a one-Party dictatorship like Cuba and Venezuela that rules America for the next 80 years, and the whole world is plunged into darkness, as, America, humanity's last best hope, is taken out as desired by John Dewey, Herbert Marcuse and a horde of other America-haters.

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