Saturday, December 25, 2021

From The Syndicated News Articles



 Christopher Klim put together a book of Eric Hoffer news articles, called: Eric Hoffer: The Syndicated News Articles. I wish to quote some from Page 175 of that book. Jordan Peterson and Eric Hoffer do share some common perceptions: both accept the tragic view of life; both assert that humans are not basically good. Both loved/love American exceptionalism and are loathe to allow Leftist revolutionaries to overthrow this last best hope for humans. Peterson has cautioned that changing what can make things much worse, due to unintended consequences. Peterson told Prager that it is a miracle that we can, in the West, or anywhere, sit lawfully, civilly, and peacefully in a room with no inefficiencies, no violence, no breakdown or constant emergency status.

What Peterson is suggesting is that it is fabulous that we are all civilized enough to work together and not kill, rob, and murder each other as each tribe and group do their level best to butcher and wipe out rival groups and tribes. That in the West we have wealth, freedom, peace, justice, calm, stability, capitalism, much wealth and law and order is not only a compliment to the fantastic, established political, religious, and economic structures in place, but is real praise for and appreciation of the citizens, so decent, well-behaved, peacefully coexisting, cooperating and competing without constant civil war breaking out. These citizens are born depraved, run in evil packs, live non-individuated lives as Satan desires, and yet, they have enough free will, training and decency, enough individualism, kindness and respect for others, to keep the whole show running rather smoothly without a wrinkle. That miracle is hard won and easily lost, so revolutionaries should be kept out of power.

Hoffer, Prager, and Peterson all urge or would urge that radical reformers, seeking to fundamentally transform America like Obama did, and Biden seeks to install here, are fearlessly reckless with what they are seeking to destroy or dismantle. 

One does not tear apart what is working out of humility and fear that one's hammer blows against it will shatter the whole fragile glass bowl that is civil society. When revolutionaries work overtime to dismantle a democratic, just society, they are evil and wicked, out of ignorance, or out of malice, if they realize what they seek to bring about.

Let me quote Hoffer now: "The 20th century, which has seen unimaginable slaughter and destruction, has also seen unprecedented attempts to realize dreams, visions and wild hopes. Some of the worst tyrannies of our time were instituted by men genuinely dedicated to the welfare of humanity.

As we near the three-quarter mark of the century, it ought to be self-evident that when a society sets out to purge itself of inequities and shortcomings it should expect the worst, and ready itself for a crisis that would test its stability and stamina. Only a vigorous, orderly society can aspire to become a wholly just society overnight.

In human affairs there is no certainty that good follows from good, and evil from evil. There is always the danger that the attempt to eliminate evil would be like an ill purging that takes away the good with the bad."

Let me disabuse our Progressive foes that would accuse of being front men or stooges apologizing for a systemically racist, sexist, classist male patriarchy and tyranny. We deny these accusations as baseless and inapplicable.

We are not anti-reform. What radical, fervent ideologues on the Left or Right, religious or secular, seek is not reform, but fundamentally re-imagine sweeping changes that have no chance of succeeding, and will turn America into a poor, lawless urban jungle, or a Marxist police state. These cruel, pitiless nihilists hate themselves, and everyone else, and they seek revenge against being born by eliminating free, prospering, happy America.

What will work here is gentle reforms within the system to tweak it, and continuously make it better and more responsive to the needs of whoever requires assistance. That is the correct global approach.

Even more vital, is all working together to train nonindividuating and group-living adults and children voluntarily to individuate and individual-live. The collective outcome of such general, amazing self-improvement success stories, by the millions, would fundamentally transform America, steadily and ongoing without upsetting the apple cart, building on what we already have for a just, civilized society.







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