Monday, January 16, 2023

Critical Theory


Critical Theory came out of Germany in the 20s and 30s. It is typically Marxist in all its assumptions: it divides the people of the world into two groups, oppressors and the oppressed. Each individual within each group cannot transcend or erase that group affiliation which is its destiny.


The power struggle between the rivals, the haves, masters, and oppressors are eternally at war with the oppressed, victims and enslaved, exploited have-nots. Marxiist strive to help the have-nots become to new masters: they might even lie and profess that they seek equality, but if their revolution is successful, then their true colors will show—they are the new oppressors and will exact bloody revenge upon their vanquished enemies. They only ever sought power and supremacy.


This Marxist outlook can be further divided along the lines of victimizer and victim in racial, sexual, gender and class subgroups.


Criticism by me: yes, power struggle between rival tribes and individuals is endless and can be brutal, painful, suffering-inflicting, even murderous. But it need not be. If we can encourage each individual to self-realize, to individual-live and group-live no longer, to judge all people on the content of their character, not the group from which they originated, designated by skin color or whatever else one belongs to from birth.


On this MLK holiday, let us remember and revere Martin Luther King that was for equality of opportunity—not of outcome equality. He was not for equity, which guarantees universally, governmentally, tyrannically enforced, coerced equality of outcome so all are poor, miserable, starved and unhappy.


Equity is really disguised reverse discrimination against whites, Christians, males, Americans, Westerners, conservative, capitalists, heterosexual and individualists and individuators.


Critical theory is a lie, and it promotes warring power politics between different tribes, and it is as evil a program as they could dream up. No doubt its source is demonic. They talk reform and working to make things better, but their lust for destruction is pure nihilism, and they must be stopped and sidelined fully and right away.


Power can be positive and cooperative, a sophistical union of egoists or anarchist-individuator supercitizens running their community, their canton, their state, their country, the world.



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