Saturday, January 28, 2023

Some Possibilities


Here are a few remarkable transitions likely to occur with the arrival on the American scene of a morally competent, adult generation of individuators-anarchist supercitizens:


1.     Society then will require great citizens/statesmen as newly seasoned, high-caliber participants in running the constitutional republic, rather as its average, typical followers. Since all serious, lasting change occurs from the bottom up, this caliber of citizen is basic to change. This caliber of engaged, smart, organized, energetic, dominant citizens would make any elected leader like Joe Biden or Kamala Harris come across as Abraham Lincoln. An actual great leader leading these great followers would be an added plus.

2.     Most students, by the age of 10, will have developed and be directing their own learning project and content. Professional educators can advise and facilitate student growth, but no longer as stifling, road-blocking woke, fanatical, educational bureaucrats and Marxists breaking children into group-living, hierarchy-addicted, dead, spiritless, nonindividuating robots that learn little, know less, lack ambition, and fire, and dream few dreams.

3.     Employees take orders and give orders to owners and bosses as they partially own, and in part work for the owners of the enterprise that employs them. They work in part for wages and in part for a share of the profit-sharing.

4.     A citizen’s militia of 100 million gun-owners and gun-wielders will be highly trained, and skilled but peaceful warriors. If aroused or attacked, these fearless warriors could match or beat any opposing army anywhere on the planet.


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