Tuesday, January 31, 2023

What Happened In Memphis



I do not have all the answers but God has given me an insight into the human condition that might help me shed some light on what happened in Memphis, a few nights ago, to poor Tyre Nichols, apparently suffering from Krohn’s disease and 130 pounds, that required 5 husky, armed police officers to baton, mace, taze and beat this young man to death while he cried out for his Mom.


Many Progressives blame whitey, that even black police officers, still treat black suspects as if they, the cops involved, were white cops. That is nonsense as is all the tripe about need for police reforms.


I am not against reform or education for police officers, but I am confident that the 5 black officers that killed Tyre went crazy, and, as an enraged mob, inflicted horrifying, revolting street justice and classic police brutality upon this young man over some traffic stop. They were trained and likely college-educated men.


I liked some retired cop and high ranking officer that said a lieutenant or sergeant should be at these events to calm down the arresting cops so that they do not go crazy. I agree that surrounding deputy sheriffs should have stepped in to restrain their enraged officers thumping  on Tyre, to save his life. Cops like all of us are natural cowards (This type of cowardice is the failure to go against group evil, lest one be reviled by the offending pack committing evil deeds.), and when the police brotherhood is assembled, none wishes to go against one’s brothers and sisters, by interceding to restrain rogue officers attacking a suspect. Those officers that stand and watch unfolding police brutality, and do nothing to stop it, should be fired each and every time.


Let me draw from my own experience. On June 14th, 1983 my wife and I were at my cousin Mary’s apartment in Minneapolis celebrating my birthday. There was little or no alcohol served. They lived north of downtown by the farmers’ market. At near midnight, I was driving and drove through downtown and stopped at a red light before jumping onto 35W south to go to Richfield where we lived. I turned on the red light, went about 10 feet and got pulled over. I was 6’ 1” and 240 pounds and strong. Two cops, one black and one white, as big as or bigger than me, yelled at me to get out of the car. They were intensely aggressive, one on each side of my face screaming and yelling at me that I ran a red light and what was I doing. I thought I was dead. If I had raised a hand to them, I would have been beaten into unconsciousness. These two officers, without provocation or escalation on my part, were perched on the edge of insane violence. I said absolutely nothing and finally they quite ventilating and went back to their squad car to write me a ticket. Which I got. We left and paid the ticket, though my wife later said I did not run that light later, and that we should have fought the ticket. I felt lucky to be alive. My instinct was not to escalate a bad situation.


Did Tyre possess that instinct, or would it have made any difference? Imagine poor Tyre: even mild resistance to receiving handcuffs with a mob and powerful, organized trained officers in uniform would be enough to trigger their violence so excessive and unwarranted and vicious that they would not stop until he was unconscious or dead.


Let us rebuild this problem of why cops sometimes riot and turn vicious from another starting point. I assume that people are born evil. Dennis Prager offers a similar view that single young men are naturally lawless and violent (unless trained to be moral and law-abiding). Dennis suggests that young women are not born violent, but are inclined to be too supportive of the social arrangement regulating where she is, and if she is hyper-supportive of a cruel social order, as a secular, college-educated Leftist, like postmodernist progressivism, she is a soldier in the cause of a destructive mass movement more corrupt and cruel than any selfish, violent young man out for his own asocial, criminal cause, disorganized and disunited.


My suggestion is that any man in America could be Tyre Nchols, and any man in America could be one of those 5 murderous cops that killed Tyre.  Race, gender orientation, class distinctions, are not that significant. What is relevant is that men are born violent, and when they run in packs, and the pack allows them to apply mob terror, violence, and torture to a victim, it is easy to see where the love of violence and the dark joy of inflicting pain and death upon a human victim is so overwhelming that the a mob wipes out a Tyre.


I wonder if black cops in Haiti, Nigeria or Sierre Lieone do not inflict police brutality on blacks at higher rates than white police officers in any white or Western country.


I assume that any man is capable of great kindness or great cruelty, if he lets himself go, or gets in with the wrong group. If I were a gung-ho, brain-washed infantry grunt, just out of basic training, assigned to Lt. Calley in Viet Nam, and he ordered us to wipe out a village of civilians and all my buddies were obeying that command, I would slaughter innocent civilians too. I was given a gun, told to kill Communists and Viet Cong, why with classical racist rationalizing worry about if the yellow-skinned,

Asian victim was a civilian or soldier, or from the south or the north? They all look the same; they are all the same and we will just kill them until none are left.


In Hoople, North Dakota, when My Lai was reported, a respected, god-fearing, veteran, Norwegian American farmer told his family that what they did in World War II was no different than My Lai.


Men are born evil, and like violence, and now are given guns and legal and moral authority to go out and kill, so they do. They get carried away as soldiers or police officers, and then we hypocritical civilians cry crocodile tears for the excesses of these moral monsters that we created and unleashed upon the world. What the hell did we expect?


It gets even worse. There is no easy answer to the problem of rogue police officers rioting and abusing those that they are meant to protect and serve, Dennis Prager said this week that no civilized country can survive without police, and he is wise and correct as usually. When men go in groups, and carry guns and are allowed to use force against criminals or suspects up to and including lethal force, at their discretion in a few seconds where they are to perform flawlessly under incredible stress, thing can and will go wrong.


Fellow officers, rational, moral, legal and self-controlled, should back off the cowboys among them that could riot and brutalize a suspect.


Where officers, like the ones that murdered Tyre did what they did, they must go to trial like the felons that they are.


We must not overreact and riot and burn down America every time this happens. Let the justice be done upon rogue officers legally. Black kids needs rules, morals and fathers to break the cycle of the running in gangs and hitting the streets. Black kids must learn to quit lipping off to cops when arrested, and just be compliant and quiet so they survive. We must pay our cops well, truly thank and appreciate what these heroes do for us, and  the bad apples among them must be removed from the barrel.



Once men run in packs, without moral curbing, where they feel supremely confident, god-like, enfranchised, unstoppable, powerful and able to express their power by inflicting all their rage, depression, self-loathing, sadistic lust to kill, main and smash, they are capable of absolutely anything, against anyone. Police officers, drunk on power and violence aimed towards a suspect are not exception from such revolting, horrifying human misbehavior. It is little different than a 75-pound male pit bull attacking and tearing the face and scalp off of a defenseless 8-year-old girl. That which is atavistic, bestial, and demonic give the men among us the energy and will to live and to construct but it must be channeled and kept decentralized: a mob on the rampage is a terror against all civil society.









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