Friday, June 26, 2015

Deuteronomy 27, The Twelve Curses

I take note of this curse, line 19: Cursed be he who violates the rights of the alien . . .

The alien, an outsider, stranger, enemy, etc., is almost universally loathed by local insiders and discriminated against, her rights being routinely violated by community members.

This is a rare and remarkable injunction from Yahweh to protect and not arbitrarily prosecute aliens.

The alien can be a loner, a joiner, or and assemblage of joiners.

If from this I could extrapolate that sinning and moving against an innocent outsider alien as an individuator violates divine or natural law, then this is Constitutionally protected, and this protected class status for all individuals and individuators, whether domestic or alien, citizen or not, all received protected class status from group and communal discrimination.

Let the liberal judges that just foisted off gay marriage on us champion individual rights.

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