Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Not Perfect, Nor Expted So To Be

The rigid idealist anticipates, no demands, that a preconceived plan be carried out in actuality, exactly as conceived by the planner. If any deviations or alterations occurred, the idealist dismisses the entire enterprise as an abject failure. He demands that they start from scratch and do it over and over again, until the execution and outcome exactly corresponds to the conceiver's conception for how things must unfold.

The moderate intellectual, a realist and practical person, must stand up to such fanatics as cruel and unrealistic. Nothing in reality ever corresponds to what a planner dreamed up in advance.

None of us are perfect, and there are always some shortfalls in performance. There are always extenuating circumstances.

If the doers got it 90% right, according to plan, that really is an outstanding performance, about as good as can be expected. The original plan may have been flawed, or the logistics of carrying it out may have been imperfect. That is just the nature of life, people and all plans.

The pretty good implemented result is what we must go with.

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