Friday, June 5, 2015

How Can I Be So Certain?

How do I know that I am a prophet, a great-soul, a great man? I am but a blue collar worker. I go into any store or restaurant, and people walk right by me as if I am invisible, or am nothing special.

If I contrast that real series of encounters with my self-assigned sense of immense status and worth, who is telling the truth here? Answer: we both are. I am just a regular Joe an equal, no better or worse, than any other Jack or Jill on the face of the worth. At the same time I am a great soul.

I am exceptional because I obeyed the Good Spirits 50 years ago when they ordered me to remain liberated and to do something really special with my life, and I am still working on that divinely attributed set of marching orders.

What I have done, accomplished, and am doing, can be achieved by any of those billions and billions of Jacks and Jills, all over the globe.

I am the forerunner as a current great-soul. I am but the first. Within 75 years, if humans survive Armageddon, people living as individuators and individuals will be the norm, not atypical. Jacks and Jills then will have left group-living, devil worship, and nonindividuation far behind as they follow and become Good Spirits, living as lawful anarchists, doing their remarkable deeds at room temperature, taking it all calmly in stride.

Despite my obvious social status as an unknown nonentity, followed and appreciated by none, all of which made me feel like a loser and a nobody (the crowdist tactic for quelling individualism in all), my sense of being unremarkable was a solipsistic state that could not take hold.

By the time I was 10 years old, I knew that I was destined for great things. God somehow shined through my subjective, isolated status on that isolated northern farm. Revealed to me was that important divine truth, that objective spiritual message from God that I was special, rare, chosen person, to be sent to bring God's message to the world.

I knew it then. I know it now. I believe it because God tells me so.

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