Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Walmart Mob

Black youths, about 50 of them, descended upon a Walmart in Macon, Georgia to see how much

damage that they could inflict. This is the legacy of 7 years under Barak, where mobs grow out of groupist living wherein black youths are not taught to live apart from the group, not instructed on how to individuate, not trained to build their lives and amount to anything.

It is a weak argument to protest that these 50 kids wilding were disadvantaged. That may be but teaching Mavellonialist values to kids requires little training and less money.

If I or my followers had three years to work with these kids, they would not be tearing up Walmart. They would not serve Obama or grow up as socialists or wards of the state.

How this kids have failed to fit in and contribute to society is a direct, end result of the permissive, welfare state future that the Left and Barak have given to America.

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