Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Twins

Barak and Pope Francis are both Marxists and both dictators. They both claim to want to reform capitalism and Western society to preserve the rights of nature and the poor. Their ill-conceived reforms will make no one richer, but more  millions will be much poorer.

I have declared that socialism is evil, and that tyrants are evil. Institutional group-living and group-living are two more evils, and as the builders of big, centralized government and church, like the two Leftist tyrants mentioned above, expand the reach of their institutions across society at the expense of personal liberty and independence, they precipitate a state of mass suffering in which all in society are enslaved subjects, crowded nonindividuators, ruled by those at the apex of the various hierarchies, the throne and the altar.

The twins recommend eliminating private wealth and political independence from government control and regulation, but you notice that they do not give up their power. Indeed, their "reforms" will amass unlimited power in their clutches.

Money in the hands of the rich is one form of power. Absolute power wielded in the bloody hands of a heartless, totalitarian despot is a fearsome thing. There, Satan's agent rules supreme and darkness descends over the entire kingdom.

We need no dictators to rule us. We require a for-profit economy with quite limited  government in order that we may accumulate sufficient wealth to subsidize our dreams-coming-true.

As we live as individuals and lawful, individuating anarchists free up from institutional interference and suppression of all kinds, we will know freedom, brilliance, high civilization,t he rule of God, the rule of law and order, peace and plenty.

Mavellonialist training can get us there--the diabolical schemes of the twins will hinder and human advancement going forward, if they are heeded and not obviated.

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