Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Sutherland Springs, Texas

It happened again, and the secular Left sneers at conservatives praying for healing and for the victims. They sarcastically suggest that Republicans have blood on their hands and should be doing gun control legislation not praying.

We need to not tighten our gun-bearing liberties, but there are a few reforms that would help.

1. We need to pray more and have God in our lives more. With godly presence, morality grows, and such sick, aberrational occurrences will be fewer and farther between.
2. Rush today offered that kids are not raised at early ages by a Mom and the family unit is weakened, thus causing the young to feel disenfranchised, unloved, of low self-esteem and not lawful. Violent rages are one side effect.
3.Devin Patrick Kelly was mentally ill. Why was the man out on the streets instead of incarcerated, receiving treatment? With poor background checks, he was able to get weapons legally.
4. He was sick but still rational enough to plan and scheme. It seems that some of his guns were illegally acquired, so tighter gun laws would not have stopped him from getting AR 15s.
5. Was he a loner that could not get along with anyone, anywhere. He was fired a few weeks before he committed mass murder. When will we learn to invite loners into our groups as part of society--generously, willingly, enthusiastically and without reserve? Be a loner petty or great, a small soul or a great soul, smart or dumb, talented or uninspired, good or evil, being invited in might prevent this weird modern phenomena from happening.
6. The coldness, sullenness and rejection by sour groups that shun outsiders that are from other groups, that are foreigners or loners do hurt the recipients, and if it is the last insult that is the final straw that broke the camels back, that might lead to one of these mass shootings, and the clueless, slaughtered groupists feel self-righteous and confused as to why anyone would like to exact such vicious, senseless revenge upon them. Senseless? Really? Just read and heed the few reasons listed above.
7. Let every synagogue, mosque, church and house of prayer have 2 to 4 armed parishioners at every public gathering, trained and ready to eradicate armed intruders out to massacre the congregation. No long can houses of worship be gun-free zones.

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