Sunday, April 29, 2018

4/28/18 Gun Rally

I last attended a political rally in the fall of 1972 for George McGovern at Hector Airport in Fargo, North Dakota.

I went by myself to the Saturday pro-gun rally at the Capitol in St. Paul. There were 2,000 to 3,000 people there, a few blacks and Asians, but mostly whites. Many were armed, and a few carried semiautomatic rifles. There were some elderly people, some union members, bikers and gays, but most were middle class, middle-aged people, some with their wives and children with them.

The NRA was there, the Republican Party and the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus. They are the RINOS in the Minnesota Gun Rights fight and debacle, with all the letdowns, treachery and backstabbing that that entails and implies.

Minnesota Gun Rights, the North Star No Compromise Gun Rights advocacy group (my favorite), was nowhere to be found.

I believe that they are few in number and funding, but they were not even given a booth and a presence and they really do advocate for gun rights, a Tea Party quality issue advocacy group that is spurned, shut down, attacked and shut out by the three organizations mentioned above.

I could write a doctoral dissertation on the nature of political advocacy in Minnesota, and by extension, in America, based upon what I have witnessed here in the last few days.

In politics, I advocate for supercitizens  heavily, constantly, unendingly advocating for the people, in this case, liberty and gun rights.

House Speaker Kurt Daudt and Representative Kurt Heintzman are doing an attack piece online savaging Minnesota Gun Rights. Minnesota Legislators blocked passing Stand Your Ground and Constitutional Carry, all while supported by the Republican Party, and getting A ratings and endorsement by the NRA and Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus. Just know that Governor Rick Scott of Florida, that raised purchasing a semiautomatic rifle in Florida to 21 years of age, has an A rating with the NRA.

Voters look at these ratings with the NRA and shilled and pasteled Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus and do not know whom to believe, or whom to vote for. RINOS talk a helluva fight, but intend to do little when at the Legislature or even worse, cower and are weaking and allow to gun-grabbers to introduce lots of anti-gun bills because they are emboldened.

Remember, if the conservatives are not on offense, they are busy playing defense. That is what Daudt and Heintzman did to us, and neither the NRA or the Republican Party in Minnesota said a damn thing about it at the rally yesterday. They even praised Daudt.

Daudt is a fair-weather, swamp-politician out to see which way the win blows, so that he can get elected to higher office some day. He has prostituted himself to the highest bidder, or to allow the Left to dominate Minnesota legislative agenda. The NRA, the Republican Party and Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus have all given him undeserved cover.

Who should people trust? Trust me. Trust God. Trust the Tea Party. Trust NGR and MGR, and not many others.

I love and continue to support the NRA, but worry about their weak-kneed compromises at times. I give no money to the Republican Party or to the Minnesota Gun Rights Caucus, because they are Mitch McConnell students and followers.

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