Sunday, April 22, 2018

Classical Homeopathy

I have been visiting a classical homeopath for about a year, and seemed to be doing generally better. My blood pressure is a bit elevated and my A1C is higher than it should be but at 310 pounds that is to be expected.

I am trying to lose weight, reduction in beer drinking, fewer carbs, less candy, smaller portions. I am not an alcoholic but show the tendencies that the Irish glom onto. I am a foodaholic, and food is my ism to compensate for stress, low self-esteem, anger, troubles and just loving food in general.

Conventional doctors push the low carb diet (good) and Metformin, which has some serious side effects. For high blood pressure, they push statin drugs that have some serious side effects.

Homepaths promise to deal with the Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure condition with remedies and holistic, natural medicine.

She tells me the same thing that my conventional doctors do: my lack of self-control, overeating, foodaholicism, my insufficient cardiovascular exercise are real impediments to my recovery that I must deal with successfully before they can do very much to help me get well.

What they want me to do the most, and what I need to do the most, are the favorite things that I do in this crazy world: drink beer and breads, eat lots of pizza and red meat, and enjoy candy and ice cream. It must say something about human nature, and my nature, that we love the most what is bad for us and hate the most what is good for us. Is that paradox or theater of the absurd in action, or what?

So I am quasi-dieting with beer intake reduction, increased walking and biking, trying portion control, more vegetables, etc.

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