Saturday, April 14, 2018

Whatever It Touches

There is a common saying on the Right that whatever the Left touches, it ruins. That is true and I would like to explore how and why.

But first, I would like to express my amazement that the Left's endless ability further to deceive itself that its failures are not its fault, that progressivism only failed because of poor progressive leadership, or that the next time Ameritopia will be achieved and be perfect.

Why does the Left destroy everything it touches like Cuba, Venezuela, Detroit, Baltimore and the state of California, and many Indian reservations? It does so due to a series of stupid, destructive and wickedness-loving policies and life-style choices that can only lead to perennial poverty, blight, uncivil society, breakdown of the family and neighborhoods, and high crime rates. It never ceases to astonish and sadden me as to how generation after generation in these failed communities arrogantly, stupidly and rebelliously cling to a way of life that hurts each and all in these failed communities. We must conclude that people are born wicked and masochistic to perpetuate such horrible, mindless repetitions of suffering, injustice and cruelty upon each other and the whole community, dooming generation after generation to the same tragic fate without escape.

I offer capitalism. The Left in these blighted areas offer welfare, government involvement in every aspect of ghetto life and dependency on the system. Only crime lords offer some sort of illicit wealth generation in the local economy through drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc.

I offer individualism and individual-living. The Left offers groupism and group-living.

I offer self-reliance and personal Horatio Alger type of bootstrapping one's way to worldly, material and intellectual success. They offer group-sharing, group ownership of property and wealth, and dependency upon each other's generosity and federal largesse.

I offer invigorating ambition and hard work to achieve artistic, spiritual, monetary and intellectual, resounding success. The Left offer doing only what one has to to survive, and to give away one's profit, unselfishly and nobly, to the government or to one's neighbors. They regard ambition and self-seeking as wicked practices.

I offer the American Way with supercitizens, as vibrant individuating anarchists, running a thriving, bustling, enriched, civil society as a constitutional republic. The Left offers nonindividuating, Big Government thralls that muddle along as sub-citizens told what to do, what to think, how to vote and how to live and whom to hate by Big Government elites, billionaires, Big Media, Pastors, Professors and educated white professionals all conspiring together to create Socialistized massed humanity, uniform in thought and action, as they are ensnared group-thinkers and wards of a one-party, Marxist dictatorship close to making their Ameritopian transformation of America a complete reality.

I offer God and the Good Spirits, so modern and yet honoring and issuing moral commands consistent with traditional Western moral values. The Left offers isms: Islamism, Marxism, Fascism, Atheism, Fanaticism, Ecoterrorism, all of which, are superficial faiths leading to to rise of Satan and Lera with the one world, socialist government. Then demon worship will be uncovered as the politicial and religious faith of the day, unwittingly followed and served by billions of Leftists, spearheading their own downfall.

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