Sunday, April 15, 2018

HF 4360

This gun confiscation legislation is typical of the Nazi-crap brought forth by DFLers. Erin wants to run for governor. Democrats are now the gun confiscation party.

Here is what was sent to me by Minnesota Gun Rights:
Edward --


The legislature is back from their Easter Break -- and Rep. Erin Murphy, DFL HD 64A, wasted no time in filing yet another egregious anti-gun bill.

You might remember that Rep. Murphy is also running to be the DFL candidate for Governor of Minnesota -- a race where the three remaining candidates in the race are all trying to see who is more anti-gun than the other.

Rep. Murphy has been talking about her "assault weapons ban" bill for weeks - making many of us think she was going to come up with something unique and different.

Instead, it's more of the same, tired, ineffective gun control strategies of the past.

Here's what's in her proposed bill - HF 4360.

Universal background checks / universal gun registration
A ban on magazines holding more than 12 rounds
A complete ban on transferring "Assault Weapons" - meaning no more sales, no more purchases, and you can only sell yours to a family member or give it up for destruction.
A ban on "bump stocks"
A new "Gun Violence Restraining Order" law
A buyback program that would spend taxpayer dollars to "buy back" firearms, magazines, and "assault weapons"
Our action for today is to call Rep. Murphy and your legislators to tell them you are opposed to Rep. Murphy's proposed gun control legislation - and remain all of them to STAND STRONG AGAINST GUN CONTROL!


Call Rep. Murphy at 651-296-8799:  Tell her that you're opposed to HF 4360 and her gun control schemes. Tell her to withdraw the bill and stand strong for the Second Amendment!

Follow-up with an e-mail to Rep. Murphy at  Reiterate your opposition to this legislation. Be polite, but firm.

If you don't already know by heart, find out who represents you: Find your legislator at this link if needed. Note their Name, Mailing Address, Phone Number, E-Mail Address (or link to Senate contact form), and link to their webpage.

Call your State Senator.  Let them know you're opposed to any gun control legislation - and you want them to STAND STRONG.

Call your State Representative.  Let them know you're opposed to any gun control legislation - and you want them to STAND STRONG.

Follow-up with a brief e-mail to both your State Senator and State Representative. Reiterate the same points from your phone calls.
If you're not already a member, please join the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus today!

If you're able to commit to a monthly donation, signup for an ongoing sustaining donation to help us take the fight to the anti-gunners in Saint Paul.
This is the time of session when deals get made - when people give up on the fight and look to compromise - our legislators need to hear from us -- and we need your help to ensure that they stand strong!

Yours in Liberty,

Bryan Strawser

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