Saturday, September 1, 2018

Censoring Alex Jones

My nephew wrote a piece on Facebook, declaring that his research indicates that Alex Jones is still on social media, despite efforts to censor him.

Here is the response that I posted to him: Thank goodness for inefficiency. Evil people, that are hard workers, organized, and devoted to their wickedness, like the Nazis were, are the most destructive force on earth.

If good people are industrious, effective, structured, and dedicated to their good causes, they are the most beneficial force on earth.

Efficiency is only a virtue in the service of spreading good, not spreading evil.

Some inefficient, ineffective censors are preferred to effective, thorough ones like Putin and the Chinese.

Censoring anyone for anything said in public media is a dangerous, unpatriotic act, in America. Short of threatening the life of the President, or advocating violence against some targets, some group of citizens, or shouting "Fire" in a theater, we should censor nothing else. Almost total freedom of speech is what we want.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, LinkedIn and Pinterest have all moved recently to removed Jonses' Inforwars content from their social media sites.  There attempts to silence him and disconnect him from his eager audience is their constitutional right, but it is horrible corporate practice and bad public policy.

We conservatives and lovers of intellectual and political freedom should boycott these private companies that practice censorship against conservatives. We should put our stuff on conservative, alternative social media sites.

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