Saturday, December 28, 2019

Christianity Today

From what I heard on Talk Radio, the Christian Editors of Christianity Today are Leftists and Trump-Haters, so they called for his impeachment.

The radio hosts made it clear that this is a minority view among Evangelicals that support Trump overwhelmingly.

These Leftist editors disbelieve that tolerating Trump's verbal roughness, colorful past and alleged impeachable missteps as President cannot be countenanced any longer while remaining a Christian in good standing. These editors claim these are reasons  to consider him sufficiently evil to justify pulling all support and votes from him as they reject the theory that he is the lesser of two evils than abstaining from voting in 2020, or voting for the Democratic candidate. They side with Democrats aiming to have Trump be impeached, lose the next election etc.

I reject their reasoning. Trump is a goof President and not that n=much of a sinner, so he fits quite nicely into the acceptable category of being the lesser evil that a Christian can justify voting for.

The Democrat would be the much greater evil, regardless of personal character concerns, because their complete agreement, among their candidates, with the Marxist agenda being pushed by this radically Progressive Democratic Party will bring huge, even devastating evil down upon Americans should Trump fail to be reelected in 2020. In light of this, it is the moral duty of every Christian and every American to put Trump back in office by casting a vote for him and against his opponent.

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