Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gerald F. Seib

Gerald Seib is writer of and is the Washington bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal. He penned a 12/16/19 article online (In Impeachment, Tribalization of Politics Becomes Almost Complete), and that titles pretty sums up the tribal division between Trump supporters and Trump opponents in America at this time.

Seibe notes that Trump ran in 2016 as an outsider, but now the Republican establishment is fully behind him during this impeachment debacle.

Let me quote from Seib: "In a sense, the politics of impeachment is the logical conclusion of the ideological, geographical and socio-economic sorting of the two major parties. Republicans in Congress now tend to represent more clearly conservative sectors of the country, which increasingly lie outside urban areas and in places where traditional cultural norms prevail. Democrats represent more clearly liberal areas, increasingly centered in coastal urban states that are more diverse and have shifting cultural values.

Those areas of the country have less in common than they used to, and the politics of those who represent them reflect that. They are expected to pull on their red or blue jerseys and go into the political arena to fight for their side, no questions asked. . .

With that kind of stark polarization, reflected in polls showing a very slight plurality favoring impeachment, Democrats fell they almost have to proceed, and Republicans  feel they almost have to stand with the President. This is a world of black and white not gray, and one where there simply is much room for dissenting views."

Seib is a clear thinker and articulate writer whose description of what is transpiring politically and culturally in America is true but does not explain the why of what is happening now in America.

Mark Levin and Dennis Prager have alluded to what is going on. The tribal divisions in America are widening and deepening as about 50% of Americans are members of the mass movement (Progressivism). These fanatics wish to transform America utterly and permanently by implementing a national takeover of America by a strong man or demagogue, leading the government to implement and make permanent socialist policies, completing the statist takeover of our greatest nation, converting it from a free market constitutional republic into a command and control economy, a totalitarian state, labeled Ameritopia by Levin.

As the more conservative, traditional Americans begin to fight back, they do so, now well aware to the grave threat that the mass movement, Leftism, and its adherents, present to the future of this wonderful country.

Conservatives are not fighting back hard to seek to save the country. Its enemies within are as equally organized and working to finish wrecking America, and that is their most cherished desire.

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