Saturday, December 28, 2019

Honest Cultures

For the reader I wish to disburden myself of the theory that I have been working on, that the Democrats and Progressive, are now so corrupt, so mendacious, so fanatical, so true-believing, that their whole narrative and choreographed talking points on anyone or anything have morphed into something powerful and sinister.

They lie all the time about everything to the masses, to each other, and themselves, that they all have come to believe and accept a fact the fantasy swill peddle to the public, indoctrinated through mass media, Twitter and other social media. The bad new is that this big lie repetition campaign has worked rather well.

Conformity to groupthink and utter unity of thought, word and approach on all subjects have allowed for the creation and spread of a dishonest, malevolent, angry culture in America that is reaching Orwellian proportions. Tyranny is liberation. Big Government is benevolent. Free speech is hate speech. Whites are an evil race to be dealt with harshly. Liberty is capitalist suppression. Environmentalism and climate change are our new deities. A command-and-control economy run by Big Government is the road to Shangri-la.

The Democrats held this show trial impeaching President Trump when they know he is guilty of nothing. They weaponize the whole political process to destroy Trump, to wipe out all conservatives, everywhere forever, to disenfranchise the 64 million votes that put Trump in office.

They all move as a unit, like starlings flying above the parking lot on a summer day. Only a mass movement has that level of unity, and complete lack of dissenting voices, of moderate liberals, still in good standing with the Party, while not towing the party line of many issues. All alternative voices have long since been silenced into submission, or purged outright. All that is left is true believers that do believe the lies that they go public with. Their pugnacity, their viciousness, their violence and politics of personal destruction and intimidation are all gauged knowingly to bring about a revolution in our soceity so that the Stalinist state can be inaugurated, and then entrenched so firmly that it is dislodgeable and permanent.

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