Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Menacing Professor

Legal Insurrection carried a 12/28/2019 article on Facebook, written by writer Mike La Chance. The article is: Professor Argues That We Need To End Private Homeownership To Fight Climate Change.

Let me quote La Chance:

"If you’ve heard that Green New Deal supporters want to increase government control over all facets of life more than they want to protect the environment, well, here’s more evidence of that.
An assistant professor of urban planning at UCLA argues in the far-left magazine The Nation that California is doomed as long as people keep owning homes.
“If we want to keep cities safe in the face of climate change, we need to seriously question the ideal of private homeownership,” says Kian Goh, who researches urban ecological design, “spatial politics” and social mobilization “in the context of climate change and global urbanization.”
Goh considers it “news” rather than fevered speculation that “we may only have a dozen years to contain global warming,” as shown by destructive California wildfires in recent months and “precautionary power shutoffs” by utility companies.
Proposed solutions, including a public takeover of Pacific Gas & Electric, are missing one of the most important factors in climate change-driven destruction, Goh warns: “economic development, aspirations of home ownership, and belief in the importance of private property.”
To prevent catastrophe, Americans must reconsider their ideas about “success, comfort, home, and family,” particularly the single-family homes that followed in the wake of the Homestead Act of 1862 and federally backed mortgage insurance, the professor argues.
These policies benefited white middle-class families and “became synonymous with freedom and self-sufficiency” even though they represented “[e]xpansionist, individualist, and exclusionary patterns of housing.”"

This totalitarian, Marxist Professor Goh is supported by our tax dollars. Why are we supporting someone that wants to end private property, private home ownership, allow government ownership of all confiscated property without compensation, without any option legally to resist such cruel madness, all in the name of preventing what Goh's hysterically worries is imminent climate change disaster.?

These Progressives and Marxists need to be resisted at all costs for they work hard to gut and destroy America. They radical ideology is born of cruelty, total centralized government power, and a Stalinist police state. They are scary, wicked people.

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