Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Mendacious Mob

As I watch Pelosi, members of the House, the liberal media and millions and millions of people think and talk lock step about Trump deserving to be impeached, I realize that they are all mendacious members of a self-deceiving mob, a mass movement that actually believes what it says.

Progressivism is not very entrenched in America, and its backers weaponize everything to advance their cause. They aim to overthrow the US government, and install their cherished socialistic dictatorship. Their lying, their corruption, their evil practices, their thuggish authoritarianism, their lockstep talking points--all point to a mob of millions of people that serve the Dark Couple, The rot runs all the way to the bottom.

All they care about is winning and acquiring total power over all Americans and every aspect of their lives. They are beyond feeling guilty because they are without conscience, being as any means is justified to further their sacred cause of Leftism.

Dark and poor will be our future when these vicious, rotten, fascistic goons run society. Their cruelty and ruthless knows no limits. Groupism, big lies, injustice, corruption and human rights abuses are what they are all about.

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