Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Middle Way

Straight up anarchists push for no state structure over the citizens at all. No encoded laws to regulate private, communal or national behavior and activities. Total personal independence with no rules made or enforced to curb personal liberty in any way.

That is pure anarchy on the left wing of the political spectrum.

On the right hand wing of things would be any modern or historical, actual or proposed totalitarian state (pure statism under which citizens are deprived of all rights, all liberty, all privacy, all gun ownership, all right to intellectual, spoken or religious opinions, and deprived of all private property). These totalitarian states could be Marxist, theocratical like Iran or fascist like North Korea.

The middle way between anarchy and totalitarianism is constitutional republicanism, the American political tradition, now more than 200 years old. It needs not much modification or reform, but the role of the average voter as an individuator/anarchist and active supercitizen would improve how our present system operates, and may need structural tweaking.

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