Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Majority

I am thoroughly for the individual, the minority, as of higher priority and value than the majority, the whole. This preference for the minority over the majority is an aristocratic preference for the highly skilled, highly developed indivduator over mass humanity, nonindividuating, average, unexceptional. This Nitzchean preference for the elite is about merit elite, not hereditary elites, or elites based on rank inside some hierarchy.

Then I contradict myself. I am a blue collar worker, one of the little people, one of the non-college educated maintenance people (I have 8 years of higher learning, but the professionals in any building or any organization to which I provide facilities services for, do not realize that, therefore I am treated with contempt and condescension every day by my class-conscious, workplace superiors.) looked down upon by the professionals and managers of the buildings I care for that really do believe that they are elite, superior to and destined to rule and direct the naughty support staff dregs, that they, the managers, are naturally better, smarter and superior to.

The little people, the common people, the silent majority, need equality and to run thing, not any longer ruled by elites of any kind.

How is this miracle to be achieved? To get rid of elites, let the little people run things, allow majority rule with minority rights almost never disregarded or suppressed, to guarantee equality under the law?

The best way to bring about this miracle has been going on in America since the 1770s. Our Founders set up a constitutional republic under which the little people, with their inalienable rights ran things. It worked rather well until Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson and Thomas Dewey and other Progressive intellectuals decided that model was backwards and unsophisticated, and they begin growing government, statism, socialism and the European Way in America to wipe out the American Way, leading to the cultural war today in America between the Europhiles and the traditionalists or conservatives.

If we use my Mavellonialist principles to bring up a generation of children as individuator/anarchist supercitizens, living still under this constitutional republic with its free market and small government emphasis, we can bring our miraculous heritage back to life. When most or all citizens are intellectuals, heavily armed, militia members, pious believers, self-realizers (college educated or self-taught) voters and civic-minded volunteers all the time, sometimes leading as term-limited politicians, regularly following as citizen voters and lobbyists, workers and taxpayers (blue-collar, white-collar, pink-collar), the little people with run things, with majority rule while respecting minority rights, with equality of opportunity with near total indifference to equality of outcome, then the rights of the majority will be honored without stifling individual expression, output, liberty andproperty accumulation. Then elites will disappear, along with socioeconomic stratification, as all are upper-middle class, all are elite, and this status and state of things will be the common lot. Where all lead and all follow at the same time, elitism and tyranny disappear as this benign and desirable political/economic paradox is the new American reality, the new American Way.

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