Sunday, November 1, 2020

They Lie

 People lie when they proclaim that happiness is what they seek. Some of of them actually do seek after happiness, which can only be meted out, attained and emotionally enjoyed a through the juggling of such competing psychic elements like piety, the insistence upon maintaining a positive attitude, love, intellectual seeking , truth identification and conducting the inner struggle to gain some self-control, a sense of calmness and peace.

Most people do not like themselves, and their awareness of their frailty and mortality, their natural depravity, their self-loathing not be surmounted by a built-up, resilient personal ego, their dour set of values, their following Satan and their insistence upon the social primacy of group-living, are all properties in their consciousness that tend to drag them down. People are addicted to these poor life choices that guarantee more suffering and unhappiness than are necessary, desirable or at all beneficial.

People seek unhappiness by means of favoring power accretion over strong, limited wielding of personal power, wielded by the individuator in a mode of existential liberation.

People seek group-power to abuse and be abused as part of a collective, hierarchical existence along the group-lived chain of being rankings that operate interconnectedly in society in social, political, civil, economic and governmental structures.

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