Saturday, March 26, 2022

In-Group Vs Out-Group--Jordan Peterson

 On Pages 336 and 337 of his book, 12 RULES FOR LIFE AN ANTIDOTE TO CHAOS, Jordan Peterson reports on the fascinating research done social psychologist Henri Tajfel. Let me quote Jordan: "Tajfel found that his subjects displayed a marked preference for their own group members, rejecting an egalitarian distribution strategy and disproportionately rewarding those with whom they now identified. . . .

Tajfel's studies demonstrated two things: first, that people are social; second, that people are antisocial. People are social because they like members of their own group. People are antisocial because they don't like members of other groups."

My response: Jordan goes on to theorize about in-group preferencing along with concurrent out-group hostility towards rival groups or tribes.

These, I believe are just animal, instinctive, herding patterns. Chimps seem to love their own groups but kill interlopers from rival troops from neighboring territories.

For humans to evolve socially and individually, we need to do two things. We need to individual-live more than we group-live, and we all need to self-realize more than we are group-oriented. 

These two artificial adjustments will be good for societal peace and harmony, as well as allow people freedom, means and opportunity to develop each her own talents and abilities.

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