Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Peterson-Hicks Interview

 I was listening yesterday again to the two interviews between Jordan Peterson and Stephen Hicks on Post modernism. These are deep, rich interviews for many reasons.

Now, I have criticized Peterson many times for his claim that talent is rare and only the gifted elite individuals have that capacity and are able to express it with society's blessing and noninterference. My counterargument is that talent is common, and anyone can be quite creative and make serious innovative contributions to human culture and collective knowledge, and I have a suggestion for Peterson that might provide a technique for harnessing and releasing the bottomless, untapped, wondrous talent of the masses.

Peterson himself gave me the idea. About 10 minutes into the tape between him and Hicks, the one taped August 17, 2017, Peterson offered an example of how scientific knowledge is slowly but steadily increased by thousands or millions of bright, but not that bright, scientists and technicians applying the scientific method in the world to conduct experiments, gather evidence for theories and hypothesis that grow human knowledge. He noted that each experimenter had been taught to use the scientific method in incremental, technological steps

My suggestion is that a smart psychologist like Peterson could observe those techniques, and capture them, and provide step by step procedures for average individuators to use to get them going along the ladder of self-realization until they used their ingenuity and customize the knowledge-seeking  procedures to match their singular approach and focus.

In this way, Peterson could see how science and psychology could advance the science of Mavellonialism so that students could get going on doing their own thing in very significant ways.

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