Thursday, March 17, 2022

Women More Evil Than Men in Jordan Peterson

Now, this is, I believe a traditional Christian view, and I hold it too. The Left and feminists snarl and gnash their teeth over this claim.

I am unfazed for I must speak the truth as I see it. Still, there is room for compromise and hope. If our secular opponents would disengage from their ad hominem attacks, name-calling and general screeching at us, perhaps I can offer four ameliorative pieces of information.

First, women are likely, on average, smarter than men, so, if they maverize, whatever natural wicked penchant they had could be reverse and transcended as they built a good will, growing out of long-practiced good actions and prayers.

Second, the difference between wickedness and intelligence in men and women is slight, perhaps 12%, so the difference, though not insignificant, need not matter that much if each individuating individuals aspires to grow and change.

Third, women are beautiful creatures, so let us fall in loves, and do marriages, mating and have romance, and not worry about differences, but find ways together to make them work. I have no interest in participating in or perpetuating a patriarchy by white, Christian heterosexual males, or anyone else. 

Fourth, to deny what is true means one cannot grow and adjust. If we accept what is, then we can reason our way to improve it.

We need people doing their own thing, radically doing their own thing as maverizers, and all the inputs, are gist for the meal, not game-changers for me.

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