Sunday, July 10, 2022

Fun Gained By Hurting Others

 We sinful humans do not like ourselves. Because we do not like ourselves, we are filled with self-loathing, anger, rage, and resentment. At the same time, we are social creatures that run in packs.

What has come about from our love to mingle with other angry, unhappy, and dissatisfied humans, is that we form hierarchical structures socially, famially at work and as citizens.

The cardinal rule to belong, to be popular, to survive being killed or being wholly rejected as an outcast botted out of desired society, must and is often willingly obeyed by most people.

To survive and be popular and have a warm, comforting rank somewhere along the socioeconomic ladder of those various hierarchies, one must kiss ass above and kick ass below.

The need to hurt and abuse those below one is overwhelmingly desirable because one masochistically allowed oneself to be abused and hurt by sadistic superiors from above.

Humans have a bottomless, systematic, permanent craving to hurt and abuse others (usually one's inferiors) because one, at the same time, enjoys being hurt and abused by bullies and oppressors from above.

There will be no effective, lasting solution to gaining justice, equality and the cessation of people hurting others or allowing others to hurt them until we come to live as individuating, anarchist supercitizens flattening out most hierarchies, transforming them from corrupt to virtuos.

Maverzers work directly for the Good Spirits and they will not hurt others or allow others to hurt them, and that should make the world a place that is a lot easier, and a whole lot more fun to be born into.

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