Sunday, July 17, 2022

Michael Rainville

 In the Saturday, July 16, 2022 Minnesota section of the StarTribune newspaper, there was this article: "Rainville's critics keep after him." Notice that the reporter is Faiza Mahamud. My assumption is that this reporter is Somalian and a woman, so the virtual signaling StarTribune makes sure that only a person of that ethnic group is qualified to report on or pass judgment about the alleged misbehavior of their young men.

Moral judgement can be assigned by anyone about anyone in a perfectly objective, impartial, accurate way so that the moral truth is laid out clearly for to community to assess. Outsiders and other individuals can characterize our character, motives, and actions rather reliably, without knowing intimately, personally what it is like to be us. With this in mind, what Michael Rainville said about Somali youth is likely true. It is not true or acceptable to insist that only a person of color can criticize a person of color or anyone else. Let me lay out the case that Faiza (a reported with a master's degree in journalism) presents.

Let me quote the first three paragraphs of her article: "The Minneapolis City Council is facing pressure from some members of the public to take formal action against one of its own for remarks that many contend were harmful and racist.

Council Member Michael Rainville came under fire recently for blaming primarily Somali American youth for a wave of violence over the July 4th weekend. He has since apologized. Police have not made any statements about the ethnicity of those involved.

His remarks were widely condemned by racial justice groups, including the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which said Rainville's words put a target on a group already experiencing an increase in hate crimes."

My response: I will wait to review the statistics about what violent acts were committed over the July 4th weekend and what was the ethnic breakdown of each of the perpetrators. Anecdotally, Rainville likely blurted out what everyone knows: young black males and Somalit youth too much and too often are involved in violent and criminal activity, far out of proportion to their numbers.

I would suggest that it is harmful and racist against these kids and against white male Rainville to worry about what he said. Let him exercise free speech without consequences, and if the voters at the end of his term have had enough, they can vote him out. Until that might occur, leave him alone. Democrats and the Left victimize him to force all to be silenced, buffaloed, deplatformed and buffaloed unless they toe the party line. 

They also do not want to tell the truth so that real solutions can be offered. Black and Somali males need religious faith and its moral training: they need education, jobs and strong but unbiased police action in their communities to keep the peace and allow few if any law-breaking that upends civil society.  Law and order must be the law of the land in every neighborhood everywhere. Prosecutors needs to send violators, especially violent and repeat offenders to jail.

Both blacks and Somali people were traditionally tribal people, and in the postmodern world, that group-oriented orientation generates too many criminals and thugs, and no self-actualizers. African-American and Somali-Islamic culture need to be blended with Mavellonialist principles to bring up a generation of young men and young women that are law-abiding, peaceful, productive, wealth-creating, freedom-loving and self-realizing.

Crime in our cities would disappear.

Young Somalis and young blacks need to follow Jordan Peterson's advice, and never play the victim--be it true or not--but to blame oneself for one's ruined life, and then to bootstrap one's way to success, getting one's house in order, before one sets out to change the world.

I ran errands at my job on Friday, and I listened to Mike Gallagher. He talked about how rampant is lawbreaking by young blacks in New York, where he lives. He uses the trains all the time, and 10 out of 10 people that jumped the turnstile rather than pay the $3.50 train fare were black.

That is a staggering statistic. First, it is theft, and they should be prosecuted. Second, where is the moral self-control in each of these black men that they conclude as victims, they can get their revenge on society by stealing and breaking the law, while all others obey the law? Where is the individualism and individuating in each of these young men, that they can live with themselves while acting this way?

I do not know but I am likely right that blacks and Somalis naturally are a bit more violent and law-breaking than young white males, because genetically and socially they are more group-oriented. Where whites genetically and culturally likely are a bit more individualistic, they are less inclined to be violent and law-breaking on average. 

These opinions that I offer here would be denounced by Faiza et al as racist and harmful, but they are deceived or lying. 

No matter if whites are a bit more individualistic naturally or culturally, or blacks and Somalis are a bit more groupist (The collective, groupist tendency is more likely to do evil and break the law because the groupist hates himself, and thus will lie to himself and justify whatever lawbreaking shortcuts that it is useful for him to engage it to get quick, easy cash; individualists like themselves more, so their self-talk is honest, and their conscience and proper pride will not allow them to indulge in selfish, impulsive, criminal behavior for quick gain. They will behave better on average than groupists will.

To help young blacks and Somalis, Faiza and all the other Progressives should turn their young men over to Jordan Peterson and Dennis Prager for moral and religious upbringing. The miraculous improvement in behavior would be a blessing for each young man, and quite beneficial to inner cities and for society.

I am naturally a racist, like all other human beings, but this truth I speak here is loving and helpful. Suppressing my speech will not save one young Somali life, and the tired, destructive Progressive solutions will condemn many or most of these young black and Somali males to miserable, poorer, unhappy, and shorter lives that may lead to them being dead or in prison. That is no way to go.

Faiza writes that some Council members want Rainville formally censured, but she notes that it not easy to accomplish and has never been done.

I suggest that Rainville, if statistics for the weekend in question do support his claim--and I would not be surprised if they did--should get a medal of commendation not censure.

What is needed to be concentrated on is how to get the young men to behave, how to become industrious, prosperous, peaceful, regular members of society, not on worrying about Rainville. 

The conservative counter-reformation underway right now is to help all young Americans come to lead productive, self-realizing, peaceful, civilized lives as individuals, as family members, as members of their communities, and as citizens.

They are the future and will run society well or poorly in 25 years--what kind of future do we want for them? Clearly, the 2022 summer chaos, high crime, unlivable urban jungles bequeathed to us by 100 years of Progressive failure and mismanagement is not getting it done.

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