Saturday, July 16, 2022

Hurting Others

 If you enjoy hurting others or gaining power over them, you are evil, sadistic and unselfish. If you get a kick out of being abused by others, or being controlled by them, you are evil, masochistic and unselfish.

Since we are all complicated, tormented creatures, our soul a battleground, a microcosm of the eternal war between good and evil, we are both sadistic and masochistic by turns, and at the same time, depending on the person that we are interacting with.

If you dare to self-realize on a grand scale, you will be sadistic rarely but assertive in your relations with others. You will not stomach their abusing you for you take crap from none--while giving crap to none.

You neither hurt others or seek power over them, nor will you accept being ruled or abused by another.

As a courteous, assertive, maverizer, you are loving and selfish (Using the word selfish as Ayn Rand uses it, but I would prefer enlightened self-interest as the virtuous adjective for each maverizer.).

When we let others go and then go do our own thing, then we can make real progress serving the Good Spirits, and bringing about God's kingdom on earth.

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