Saturday, July 16, 2022

July 16, 2022

 I was running errands this morning before I go to work, so I stopped at the pet supply store for dog food, here in our Bloomington neighborhood.

An elderly white, woman, nice looking, casually dressed, about 70 years, approached the door to the store at exactly the same time as I did. I waved my hand for her to go first, and she did go first, but replied: "I hope you are letting me go first so I can hold open the door for you (an automatic in-swinging door, but she did not realize that)."

I thought about that for 5 seconds, and replied, "And my Mom's training had nothing to do with it (allowing a woman to go first)." She did not answer.

Elderly, educated, affluent white people in the southern suburbs are often liberal, even woke Leftists, and I believe she was one of them. Her concept of feminism seems okay but superficial to me.

I believe in feminism but it has to be a huge personal commitment, full self-development for each woman ready to dedicated herself radically to God in her art, her creative life, in her career, as a wife as a mother, or as a significant other of some gender orientation.

That is feminism, not worrying about who opens doors for whom. 

Good manners should be universal.

I bag groceries part-time for a Lunds store in Burnsville for extra cash. Two weeks ago, I tried to put an elderly white man's meat in a plastic bag--store policy--to segregate it from the other groceries. He was outraged and yelled at me--"No plastic bags; the oil companies are rich enough."

I complied and said nothing in return.

Mark Levin, in one of his books, points out that oil by-products like plastics, used in innumerable, products, without which modern technology and the miracle of our affluence would not have been possible.

These woke Leftists are not aware of how important oil and plastics are, or they just don't care.

If they get their way with the degrowth policies and Great Reset, we will be as poor as serfs on a French estate in 1355.

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