Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Star Tribune

 I usually grit my teeth when I read the StarTribune, but an editorial column from July 9th of this year, really torqued me off, so I am responding to it in writing.


The article on Page A7 was titled: "GENDER POLITICS: The predicament of today's white males--and their response."

Sharon E Carlson talked to her three brothers and then wrote this article. Here is her first paragraph: "What is going on with the unenlightened white male? Sitting around a campfire on the recent July 4th weekend with my three brothers brought fascinating insights. We engaged in a political discourse early in the evening and didn't stop until 2 in the morning."

Who is this woman to refer to white males, or at least some of them, as unenlightened? She may be sensible, but her remarks sound like put-down snarkiness expressed by a woke, feminist Leftie with advanced degrees to her name. To be traditional and blue-collar white male is to be unenlightened while she is liberated and enlightened?

From my vantage point, those deplorables, those unenlightened white males are red-blooded, hard-working, loyal Americans that keep things working, keep the economy humming, fight our wars and defend the flag. Their core conservative values and masculine forthrightness would be the perfect base for the person seeking to self-realize as leading the enlightened life would be built upon their sturdy shoulders.

She continues: " . . . One of our conversations led up to the struggles of white males, many of whom feel uneasy, ignored and unsafe."

It is not just white males that are struggling with bloated government spending, open border, inflation, and runaway crime rates. The Marxist mass movement, with its revolutionary zeal to overturn everything American and to eradicate our entire culture, have the white male in their crosshairs as modern devils to be marginalized, discriminated against and eventually wiped out as a gender and ethnic group. 


Whites, both men and women, had better band together, stay armed and fight back against the nihilists and revolutionaries, woke and CRT-enthused; white males should feel uneasy, ignored, and unsafe because they are literally.

Carlson wonders how white males can feel uneasy, ignored, and unsafe. "It made little sense to me, since we don't live in a war-torn country such as Afghanistan, Yemen, Ukraine or Syria. Many marginalized people here in United States feel understandably vulnerable. This is a sad reality often perpetuated by the white male. So why does the white male, particularly the heterosexual white male, persist in feeling threatened and ultimately unsafe?"

My response: My sense of things is that heterosexual, white, Christian males are most sympatico of all Americans, as a general rule, with our culture, our political and economic traditions, American, Western, Biblical and growing out of the Enlightenment. That way of life is disappearing and being actively undermined by nihilists and ideologues, both socialist and woke, and their alarm at the best country and the best way of life that the world has ever seen, being eagerly smashed, and replaced by postmodernists is expressed as feeling vulnerable, unsafe, threated and uneasy. They have not the words and philosophy to describe the fight (Stephen R Hicks would help them know that postmodernists and socialists are out to exterminate all that is modern and capitalist.). White males and their way of life is under major, relentless assault right now, and they damn well had better be upset and fight back, and organize to protect and restore our traditional values and culture.

Carlson consults with her three younger brothers, all white males, she reassures us, so as to justify her anti-white male views, categorizing white maleness ism as essentially a form of toxicity.

She writes: "Driving deep into this discussion with my brothers, all of whom are white and in their late 50s, I surmised that this cohort consists of a wide range of personalities and characteristics--they are not a monolith. Marginalized people are not a monolith either. Straight up, this fact needs constant reinforcement in our divided communities. Yet, stubbornly, the male gender leans into three hardened categories: 1) the white-collar white male, 2) the blue-collared white male, and 3) the unemployed white male."

My response: Carlson pretends to be generous and open-minded, admitting that white males are diverse in personality and views, while she quickly classifies them into 3 concrete sub-group identities listed above. Many Leftists pretend to be open-minded and impartial, but they stereotype their enemies, accusing them of vicious personality dispositions, and that is where Carlson seems headed. She skirts the issue of white males feeling marginalized and forgotten, and that she implies that they are powerful, significant, stubborn opponents to statists and their Marxist agenda, the loyal but strong and ground-gaining opposition that represents the divided community and the traditionalists fighting back in our divided communities. I do not trust Lefties like her characterizing us, and I will not accept their defining us, as white males, increasingly individualist and neo-maverizers, insist upon self-definition, not external group labeling to backet  and mischaracterize their wondrous potential.

Carlson continues: "Because white males are not considered "marginalized" pressures to succeed and to be respected are pervasive. Risk-taking, striving for power and masculinity also have impacts on their disposition and personality. Of course how a white male was raised by his parents, how his participation in the school system mattered, and how his community made him feel accepted or not explain something about his place in the world. There is no excuse for mediocrity. What I learned from the fireside conversation was that it is critical for a white male to be exceptional, or to at least feel exceptional. If he is lacking in this strength at work, family, school, or a hobby, he is ordinary, just another average Joe. Crushing indeed! Ego means everything." 

My response: we have a core disagreement as to whether white males are marginalized or not. Carlson denies that they are--they just misperceived the current reality as society evolves and the culture changes. White males are not as dominant as they were in the recent patriarchal past, but they are not marginalized.

White males, and all men in America are under attack and marginalized. Boys are feminized in school, and real, macho manliness is discouraged. I claim that white males being marginalized is official, unleashed  Leftist policy, not a white male misperception.

Manly men do need to risk-take, achieve, strive for good power and wealth-accumulation and career success. Mediocrity is not excused and nor should it. If we want men to be exceptional--and the feminist in me urges women and all other humans to strive to

 excel prodigiously--and we should, we must encourage white males to self-realize and that program disallows any institutional conspiracy to stifle young men and hold them back, to marginalize them.

Ego is important but the competition is less against others, than it is a motivation for the self to do better tomorrow and the day after for the rest of one's life--that is the only path to exceptionality.

Carlson continues: "An unemployed white male, a blue-collar white male, or even a white-collar white male who is under stressful, intimidating or humiliating circumstances is very aware of his masculinity, or lack of it, compared with successful white males. His ego is obliterated."

My response: "White males or any human being that has suffered inevitable setbacks in career, relationships or social standing--Mavellonialist values would spur each self to be relentlessly tough on the failed self, to get up after each and every setback, and eventually success will be a reality again for the failed white male and others. If they never give up and never quit trying, they need not feel powerless, helpless or a victim of a postmodernist society actively seeking to marginalize and enslave them. To hell with the new oppressors.

Carlson continues: "Rank matters to a white male. Does he measure up or fit in? Self-esteem is fragile at this point; he may believe his low rank is due to a deficit or defect. A low-ranking white male may lack motivation, risk-taking abilities and intelligence. If he isn't particularly engaged at school and struggles to understand rigorous classroom training or academics and drops out of school, for example, he has an increased chance of working at a lower-paying job with far less autonomy. If his place of work is dehumanizing and the boss is disrespectful, chances are he doesn't feel good about himself."

My response: Rank does matter to a white male, and to all humans--too much so--we are herd creatures running in  packs and where we are situated in any pecking order--familial, social, at work and communally--will makes us feel marginalized if we use to rule the roost, but now we are forgotten, less educated than women, and as industrial workers, fall behind the college-educated elite, the globalists running corporations as they thrive in this new economy, while we rust-belt leftovers fall behind.

Schools are anti-male, anti-white, and anti-Christian, anti-Western and anti-capitalist, anti-individual and anti-heterosexual--all that white males and other conservatives hold dear has been deconstructed, gaslighted, dismissed, downplayed, sneered at and scoffed at--no wonders grade school boys up through college boys are leaving school in record numbers--they are under attack and marginalized and are rebelling with their feet and flat leaving institutions hostile to them, their race, their values, their gender, and this new unraveling of America is what Carlson does not even recognize as occurring while her educated peers, the new elite, are doing to persecuting of white males in all three categories that she listed above.

I would urge every young white male to listen to Jordan Peterson, and man up, and quite whining about being a victim. Each one is to maverize, work hard, become competent, powerful, creative, and well-paid, even if blue-collar or running a small start-up business. Nothing restores battered self-esteem like manning up, getting back into the fight and Horation Algerizing one's way back to success and dominance. Dominance is not oppressing women or any minority--it is just competing for rank, say and resources in our existing constitutional republic in legal, respectful, nonviolent ways.

Carlson continues: "So what does this have to do with anti-vaxxers, Trumpism and believing in conspiracy theories? In his attempt at exceptionalism, the struggling white male rebels against the ever-changing landscape of rules and regulations governing personal freedoms, while demanding that law and order uphold his freedoms. The disenfranchised white male rails against mainstream media that tells reality like it is--good, bad, or ugly. He rails against the government he believes is taking away hard-earned money (big corporations have a hand in messing with our finances more than we thin), taking away guns and taking away personal freedom,"

My response: The postmodernist, anti-white male Marxist mass movement underway to overthrow America in every way is why white males, republicans and conservatives distrust lying, brainwashing legacy media, woke scientists, educated elitists, academia, pastors Hollywood and corporate sell-outs, Their revolution still comparatively peaceful is picking up steam and it is no conspiracy. Anti-vaxxers were horrified and angered by the loss of personal liberty inflicted upon all Americans in the last 2 years in the name of Covid-19 limiting and for the sake of public safety. Trump is not perfect, but he is the representative of disgruntled deplorables and marginalized traditionalists. We need restored personal liberties, including 2A protections from government intrusion and we need law and order but not federal and local tyranny. We need to limit government size and spending on all levels to allow maximum personal freedom, power, and retention of wealth.

Carlson continues: "On the other hand alternative thoughts expressed on alternative social media platforms give the so-called 'inside-scoop," or the real story behind an event. Oh, if only the trumped-up stories were true! Alternative media platforms need higher viewership, plain and simple, so they'll say anything. It's the profit motive, stupid! All while the fool still believes. False and dangerous ideologies put us all at risk."

My response: The legacy mediacy lie all the time as the liberal, independent, and socialist masses are spoon-fed swill that they accept as gospel. Mass manipulation, mind-control and groupthink are what the new elite ruling class is feeding to the gullible public. We conservatives have a few alternative media platforms speaking truth and other points of view, and Carlson wants us shut down. The Leftist true believers belonging to her Marxist mass movement are the fools that believe and repeat the lies fed to them, and their false and dangerous ideology does put us all at risk, so we need alternative media voices and freedom of speech and expression not sanitized by the fascist Leftists in government eager to shut down opposing viewpoints and dissenting voices.

Carlson continues: "The perception of being head and shoulders above the crowd is necessary to fulfill and maintain the ego. Ordinary individuals now feel extraordinary against a backdrop of perilous events such as gun violence, climate change and the ongoing global disease framework."

My response: She seems to regard the proud individualism and strong egos of white males as being head and shoulders above the crowd based on some old sense of being well-positioned in the white male patriarchy, now supposedly defeated and curtailed. My sense of it is like Jordan Peterson that America was never much of a patriarchy or much unjust to anyone, and that any personal sense of exceptionalism was merit-based upon personal effort, not one's power over women, minorities, etc.

We cannot allow Leftists alarmists to scare the public into a panic over gun violence, pseudo-global climate change panic or fear of global pandemics to runs frightened distracted Americans to give up their fossil fuel fed way of life, their freedoms, and traditions to accept new tyranny, poverty and totalitarian government abuse.

Carlson finishes her article: "The ordinary white male feels invincible on one hand and threatened on the other. In fact, the unenlightened white male is already left behind, and he knows it."

My response: Ordinary white males never felt invincible, but they sure now feel and are threatened by the Marxists out to overthrow our country. Not only will the traditional white male, the most enlightened middle-class group to ever live, not be left behind, but he is rising up again and fighting back and traditionalism and the American Way are going to enjoy a Renaissance.

It is the ideologically pure zealots on the Left that are filled with hate, rage ,and lust for destruction out to wipe out white males and all that is good--they are unenlightened, on the march, cruel, dangerous but we are not them and will stop them and prevail.

Leftists speak with one voice--there is little dissent among them. Groupthink is very strong in them, and they are completely lacking in self-awareness. They see themselves as superior intellectually and morally. To admit that they are but myrmidons in the trenches of their powerful mass movement, Envirostatism, is a reality that they deny, even though they work tirelessly to advance their cause. These are amoral and immoral true-believers, they are not good people.

They accuse white males of seeking to reinstate the patriarchy that never existed, whereas the matriarchy that they are building is not to be opposed.

They accuse white males of practicing identity politics, but it is their obsession with groups affiliations that drive their endless lust for conflict, amassing power, tearing down in-place systems and promoting violence.

They worship the cult of the educated elites, the experts, bureaucrats, and administrators situated to run the global economy and the global oligarchy. Eric Hoffer knew them 70 years ago, that the amateur, the barely educated regular citizens were the only ones fit and competent to run the country, from the bottom up, professors kept powerless and at bay.

The educated expert is the unenlightened men and women: they are educated but stupid, foolish and without wisdom. They deconstruct, complicate,and obstruct, not logically clear, simple, and practical to cut through the red tape and get things done.

White males and other conservatives sense that the woke globalists are enemies within that destroy all that they touch.


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