Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Cancel Culture

 Dennis Prager defined as inveterate, serial liars those that threaten to accept without argument lies publicly sanctioned. These liars lie but also believe their lies, but shut down any alternative views, and those that express them.

Prager argues that conservatives are truth-tellers that could care less what Leftists says and waste no time trying to cancel them for opposing conservative views.

Again, he is correct. The Leftists are ideologues. And an ideologue is emotionally expressing his viewpoint as flawless and all opposing views and false, corrupt, and punishable.

Those, that are groupist in its rabid phase, as mass movement evangelists for their ism--like Leftists (not liberals)--lie all the time, and insist that the public publicly and privately mouth, espouse, agree with and are willing to lay down their lives for lies upholding the cherished cause.

Truth is moderate and that account is the near absolute truth as far as I can detect. I realize these two statements are contradictory and paradoxical but that is how the world seems to work. I cannot explain why or how it works that way, but God seems to want us to be moderate regarding truth and statements.

Regularly stated truths are right mostly and wrong a bit, and conventional lies are mostly false, but correct a bit. Great truths express one contrary view over its opposite, but not entirely.

Great falsehoods, the kind that fanatics hurl out verbally, are rantings about the pure truth of the contrary that they favor over its opposite view which they dismiss and discard as completely false and without any merit or insight.

When we lie, we are more emotional, unreasonable, groupist and totalist.

When we tell the truth we are fairly rational, impartial, individualistic and nuanced in our description of things, people and situations encountered in the world.

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