Thursday, November 17, 2022

Centralized Power

 It is my surmise that at a certain time in history, humans were able to survive, thrive, modernize, and become more civilized due to the arrival on the societal scene of hierarchies, whether feudal, economic, religious, or imperial, governmental structures.

Now, hierarchies are what we metaphysically, naturally, intuitively construct, per Jordan Peterson, but groupism, group-living, non-individuation, class society and big government all are causes of, are the products of and intimately connected to the development of hierarchical institutions over the centuries..

In a future set of de-institutionalized societies, hierarchies will still exist but are flattened into classless societies of universal (universal across that community or nation) of anarchist-individuator-supercitizens.

We cannot do not solve the excesses of capitalism where wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few and all are oppressed, kept down, poor and exploited by growing Marxist totalitarian government to rectify it; the cure is much worse than the disease—under totalitarian rule, the elite gets much richer, more powerful, and more entrenched. The people suffer horribly in such a hyper-stratified society.

Revolution will only replace current hierarchies with different and usually more corrupt, violent, and brutal totalitarian arrangement where Communist Party elites reorganize and strengthen the hierarchies which they promised to eradicate.

Only a society of supercitizens will relieve the dangers of elites and hierarchies that naturally occur. 

Only mostly nonviolent revolution by supercitizen conservatives can end elitism, class society and the corrupt abuse of power that automatically increases as hierarchies grow and expand.

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