Monday, November 21, 2022

Please Do Not Misunderstand Me

 Please do not misunderstand me, or intentionally misconstrue my meaning and aim to gain some cheap credits with your popular peers.

I have never claimed that the ethical individualist, practicing normative egoism as a good person, would be required to be friendless or without companions, or social involvement.

First, he usually marries, has a spouse, and has children. Second, he is a member of an extended family. Third, he has a relationship with the good angels (the Good Spirits) and the Mother and Father (the Divine Couple).

He would have or should have friends (actual peers) or casual friends, real and superficial, among groupists, joiners, group-livers, non-individuators intolerant of mavericks.

Many groupists will be intolerant of him, and refuse to associate with him: be their peers, neighbors or coworkers.

It will get better in the decades ahead as Mavellonialism emerges and is accepted as part of the bourgeoning American culture.

As most individualists learn to maverize, and grow into the great-souled status that the Good Spirits always had in mind for each human, these emerged, merited great souls will find other great souls common and nearby to become Friends with.

In this new social regime, the great soul, the individuator, can have his cake and eat it too, He can primarily individual-live to do his own thing in active service to God, himself and to the community, while group-living the rest of th time moving in and out of social settings as he wills it with no fallout or loss of group rank for going his own way as he will, as often as he wills, how he will and to the degree that he will.



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