Sunday, November 6, 2022


 I am very idealistic, a keen reformer. I am also a realist. One cannot have encountered the works of Eric Hoffer without recognizing that idealists, with military, federal and police power behind them, are quite vulnerable to being totally corrupted by their absolute power, as they used terror, torture, mind-control, and soul-raping to butcher perhaps over 100 million victims in the 20th century.

Corrupted idealists are the most wicked, violent, homicidal, vicious type of humans ever created to roam the earth.

It is admirable to be an idealist, if, one bound, and willingly bound, by several restraining conditions.

First, if any idealist is also a true believer, that one should never have power over another human being.

Second, if the idealist's cause has morphed into mass movement, that movement could lead to societal revolution, the installation of a totalitarian regime, and the Reign of Terror against people internally and internationally will commence as anticipated. Idealists serve or run mass movements, and they are their demonic perpetrators to be crushed.

Third, if the idealist agrees that metaphysical, political, and ethical moderation prevent his cause from becoming one-party rule of a nation, then his cause may be worth supporting.

Fourth, the idealist accepts that the Divine Couple are individuator-anarchists that seek to see any idealistic crusade be advocated by its adherents in a mood and mode of nonviolence, non-coercion, voluntary acceptance, or rejection of the favored creed. Any idealist or idealists rejecting this proposal are enemies of the people to be kept out of power, period. 

Fifth, idealists must agree and accept that each fellow citizen is a sovereign rational individual to make up her own mind about any cause which she is invited to support or oppose, with no consequences whatsoever for her rejecting the cause offered.

Sixth, the culture of healthy idealists will be a community agreement that real, powerful, functioning tolerance is the rule of the day: other, disagreeing others--especially--are encouraged to express and live in a mode of complete intellectual independence, personal liberty exercised to join or rebuff any ism presented, complete freedom of speech accompanied by complete freedom of voluntary choice to join or reject any or all isms presented to them.

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