Sunday, May 14, 2023

Minnnesota Falls


For 10 years gun rights advocates—myself included—have fought in Minnesota to keep Universal Background Checks and Red Flag gun Seizure Laws off the books here; we succeeded for a long time, but it passed the Senate this past Friday, and the Democratic House and Democratic Governor will sign it into law.


We need citizens armed to the teeth with very little public law regulation of their gun rights. The authoritarian, Democratic Left in Minnesota and nationally do not see it that way, and here they won.


I contributed between $10,000 and $20,000 in the last decade fighting for gun rights. We lost.


I am hated by my family, coworkers, and neighbors. I just wondering which one of these anonymous complainers and enemies of mine will appeal to a Minnesota judge that I am a danger to society. This sneaky, cowardly enemy now can legally appeal anonymously to a judge (I will never know or be able to face my accuser.) to have the Bloomington police come to my house and take my guns, which my wife and I have spent thousands of dollars purchasing.


To deprive God-fearing, conservative, patriotic, law-abiding, Minnesotans like me of their gun without due process is a sin and illegal and unconstitutional, this is an unjust law. I am waiting for the knock on the door, but will comply with their outrageous, unconstitutional grabbing my property, and taking away my God-given, natural right to be armed and defend myself, my family and my country.


I would have to wait 6 months to appeal, and I have to spend $20,000 to $30,000 to try get my guns back with no guarantee that I will get them back, or that they could not grab them again in the future.


Minnesota has fallen and may not rise again.

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