Thursday, May 25, 2023

Revolutionary Revealed


It is important for the average American citizen to recognize and accept that revolutionaries, especially violent revolutionaries, are essentially nihilistic in their motives and ambitions. Why is this so”


1.     I assumed that a sincere, violent nihilist, filled with rage, hate and self-loathing, wants revenge upon being itself for his being created and suffering, so he just wants to burn the whole world down.

2.     A thorough-going nihilist is an evil, evil person. Whether he is an active demon worshiper, or an atheist, in reality, he works for and is filled with the love of destruction and chaos, typical of Evil Spirits like himself.

3.     The nihilist enjoys destroying and smashing things, especially anything good, beautiful, free, peaceful, and well-functioning.

4.     To win the masses over to the revolutionary cause to help or at least allow America to be overthrown, the nihilist—like Progressives are doing—attack, sully, and gaslight every aspect of existing culture, so that the masses lose faith in the American Way, so it can be doable for them to embrace a replacement culture, the Postmodernist-Marxist Way.

5.     If the nihilist can destroy the existing system, and scare and panic the masses, then they will give up their liberty and culture for empty promises of salvation by the revolutionary party. Their whole, brilliant ploy is to smash everything so they can bind all, and amass power and wealth and the government to themselves under their sway.

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