Tuesday, May 16, 2023

No Gridlock


We now will have Red Flag Laws and Gun Registry in Minnesota thanks to our Progressive Governor and DFL-controlled House and Senate.


They gutted gun rights and passed one of the most radical, spendthrift budgets and many of the most draconian laws ever seen in any state in America. One boasting legislator, among the victors, bragged that they suffered no gridlock this year.


When there is Democratic, one-party control, like in Minnesota, California and Illinois, a socialist dictatorship begins to emerge. The true believers, the legislators, and their citizen supporters, of uniform mindset, pure groupthink, and monolithic obedience to Party resolutions, are intimidating in their enviable ability to vote as a united block without dissent. T


They are feisty, unlike weak, tepid, Republicans in Minnesota. They push as far as they can each and every legislative cycle, and then come back in two years to push farther. These ideologues are tireless, dedicated via incrementalism to overthrowing America, and they are successful and brilliant at bringing sickness and ruination to our great people.


If at least the governor, or one of the two houses is Republican, then gridlock prevents too much legislating too much legalizing tyranny, too wasteful, and liberty-robbing legislation from being passed.


People lament over gridlock, but we do not want government growing and too many laws passed. This lack of gridlock at the State this year here, allowed extremism to become law.


As a capitalist and lover of our constitutional republic, and as an individuators-anarchist supercitizen, I want government quite strong, efficient, but small, limited and controlled by the masses not by Deep State elites.


We want more and more liberty not more and more government, and tyranny, and socialist Minnesota is headed down the Marxist path real hard now. I am saddened, scared and angry about this foolish arrogant people not knowing how they are destroying the good life for everyone, and they are proud of themselves and feel they are noble and progress

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