Sunday, May 7, 2023

True Contradictions


Dialetheists like Graham Priest argue that some true contradictions exist, and they likely are correct. That is my moderate ontology as how the world works and is.


Most contradictions likely are false (not true, not rational, non-existent, fictitious and not objects in reality).


This view sems to hold whether reality is monist (the One as Pure Spirit or as Pure Matter), or a Dualism, under which Fate or the One is comprised of existing spirits and their realms (God & the Devil) or as pure matter some of which is God’s portion and some of which is the Devils portion, be that matter living or non-living, or whether reality is perceived, experienced, and encountered within one’s consciousness (internal focus) or focused externally, gazing out at objective reality.


It seems that dialetheism or moderation or true contradictions are identical and exist, but, to orient correctly, the framework must be a major and minor emphasis (moderation is not usually pure equality of split, or 50% on one side, and 50% on the other side; rather the split is 70-30%, or 65-35%, and perhaps these percentages change as the One self-corrects because it is becoming once more out of balance.


For humans, most of the time, the Left hand should be the minor emphasis: Female, emotion, chaos, collective and hate; the primary emphasis should be: Male, reason, order, individual and love.

This characterization of mine is Christian and offends many feminists. I can only respond that it is true as far as I can tell. I hasten to add qualification: women may naturally more emotional, more chaotic, a bit more evil than are men, but the difference is not huge.

Women and men are both made equal in the eyes of the Divine Couple: any female that wants to maverize can overcome being a bit more evil, more emotional and chaotic. When she chooses to maverize, she can sublimate these natural drives and inclinations, giving the world the advantage and blessing to the miraculous life that she creates. 

 Our natural drives and inclinations are our starting loci: they need not be our destiny.



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