Friday, May 26, 2023

Pure Anarchism


I keep writing and talking about anarchist-individuators but does this entail that I am a radical anarchist, strong anarchist, or a pure anarchist, who advocates extreme anarchism, the complete and permanent erasure and destruction of all state structures, with no formal, legal structures to limit people from enjoying complete freedom.?


 Of course, my anarchism is not that severe, because with no institutions or artificial hierarchies to direct and channel human activity and enterprise. With no limits on personal freedom at all, no society could survive, the result would be a world of social collapse, brutal law of the jungle, criminal behavior and lawlessness would crop up with no control.


People never tolerate a lack of structure for very long, and sadly a world of pure anarchy leads to brutal, unjust waves of police state terrorism to restore some semblance of law and order, but civil rights, liberty and human rights are trampled in the process. Pure anarchy soon gives way to vicious totalitarian federal authority.


What I recommend, instead is building a freer, better, stronger American society upon our existing political foundation of capitalist, constitutional republicanism, a transformation done peacefully and legally over time.


Mark Levin suggests we humans flourish best in a political setup of ordered liberty, and that is what my society of anarchist-indiviudator supercitixns is meant to gain us. We want our gun-toting but very moral and self-controlling generation of supercitizens to enjoy maximum personal liberty while keeping the peace, and living-and-let-living with similar minded and similarly behaving neighbors, that cooperate, coexist and thrive in in ordered, civil society.


It can work as there would still exist and function  some external formal institutions, bureaucracies and laws in place as limited government would then be strong but  lean, small and limited, its  institutions allow for maximum personal liberty and maverizing and liberty, with the maverizers enjoying  and exercising a great deal of self-discipline along with their increased personal power, so that there will be order and law while people enjoy their natural right to be free and exercise their free choice and pursue happiness as they, within reason, see fit to do.

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