Saturday, September 2, 2023

Held down


What is it that is holding many--perhaps a majority of black Americans—the descendants of slaves, now native to US for 100s of years, not recent African immigrants—down and back? There are likely many reasons, but I have identified 3 that I want to talk about below. Let me start by asserting that whites supremacy and white racism is not what is holding many indigenous blacks here down and back; blacks are to blame for not advancing in opportunity-rich America: it is the failure of many in  the black community to adopt the Randian set of Objectivist ethics that would propel  blacks, that live by these principles, that would guide them to be first-handers, out of poverty and out of the inner city towards a bright, prosperous, hopeful future filled with opportunity and blessings. Besides, blacks could adopt and apply Objectivist values while still being religious believers, and the program for them as individuals would still be successful.


First, black Americans have been told, and many maybe most blacks accept it as gospel, the lie that blacks in America are victims, victimized daily and permanently by racist whites and their corrupt patriarchal hegemony. The truth is that their failure is their own fault, and only they can save themselves.


As I have argued elsewhere, and it applies to black Americans too: to feel sorry for oneself, to see oneself as a helpless recipient or victim of outside forces or racist white oppressors, is to live a lie that is not factually accurate today, but is a fiction that keeps blacks down, and it is perpetuated by Leftist ideologues.


Even if some blacks have been held down today by whites, and they are not many in number, it destroys the chance of the actual or misperceiving victims to will themselves to build a new, productive future life for themselves. As I suggest elsewhere, each “victim’ needs to adopt that useful fiction that they are not a victim, or at least will not be 5 minutes from now and for the rest of their purposeful lives should they maverize. The useful fiction allows each black to start living as an individual, applying her Objectivist values to her own life, and she will start getting educated, making more money, planning her life goals that lifts her out of poverty, misery, bondage and victimhood psychology.


If 70% o American black adults adopt Objectivist values, they will become one of the most empowered, prosperous, impressive, free, and happy groups in America—within 10 years.


My assumption is blacks in the rural South, big city ghetto blacks, Native Americans on reservations and the native Hawaiian people all suffer from the same two cultural curses tribalism/collectivism and the altruist motive: as traditionally tribal peoples before Europeans came and took over their land and society, they are not able to transition easily to the more capitalist, liberty-loving individualist lifestyle of whites, who, because they are closer on average to being propelled by an egoist motive to care for the self, they are able to build freer, more prosperous lives than are the minority Americans on average. If these impoverished, dispossessed nonwhite peoples adopt Objectivist ethos, their individualism per person will come to be a reality, and they will lose their altruistic motive so then goals, hard work, perseverance, and self-discipline will yield results like increased wealth and increase self-esteem due to merited sense of pride of accomplishment and providing for themselves and their family.


For these tribalist, collectivist peoples with their brotherhood motive and group-living, they cannot escape their withering fatalism, poverty, and hopelessness—due to lousy values—no matter how many trillions the statist government has hurled at them.


Second, blacks need to believe that there is hope and racialist revenge upon whites will not lift them out of poverty, crime, and despair.


Third, the dirty little secret that I will talk about below and be railed against as proof that I am a rabid racist and white nationalist, is the truth that I must share so that blacks can be self-aware of what they are doing wrong, so then they can adopt Objectivist ethics as a way up and out of the ghetto and the Mississippi Delta.


The dirty little secret is this: none dare admit that black hatred of whites is deeper, more virulent, and more potent and historic than is white racism against blacks? Can I prove this, maybe empirically, but my psychological assumption and a crude coherence theory of truth is how I came up with this criticism of blacks being more racist towards whites, than whites are towards blacks, and their reverse racism is holding them down and back.


If selfishness is good, egoistic, and individualist, then selflessness is evil, altruistic, and collective or tribal. I assume that we are all born flawed, and that means we are fanatical and self-loathing, and we run in packs, live a life of lies, and are fanatical that our pack and its views and its people are always right, good, smart, and superior, and people from other racial groups are wrong, evil, dumb, and inferior. Justice is being kind and always favoring insiders whether they are virtuous or vicious, lawful, or unlawful while outsiders are enemies not treated with dignity and respect because they are other, stranger subhuman, reduced to being treated more shabbily and cruelly with a clear conscious.


Black hatred of whites I intuit is worse than what whites feel towards blacks—not because blacks are more or less naturally racist than whites—they are not—but collectivist peoples (As collectivist groupists culturally conditions to low self-esteem, these collectivists hate their enemies with great destructive joy than do more egoistic, individualistic peoples that have higher self-esteem so their racism towards enemies is not so intense because they are not that much filed with hate, having a bit more love in their hearts.) adhere to altruist values.


They hate themselves more on average than maverizers, and the altruists are filled with low self-esteem: they scapegoat onto their hated bogeyman enemies targets with a profound and lasting hatred to give their lives meaning. Their racism is so deep historical, traditional, and systemic—nowadays being reinstitutionalized as racialism. It will never get better for blacks until they embrace individualism, capitalism, egoism, and self-starting so they can grow, prosper and be free of the welfare state that gave them welfare, 70% of black babies born out of wedlock, gangs and plenty of abortions—this is genocide against blacks by the social justice warriors with good intentions and no understanding of the disastrous unintended consequences. Yet blacks love the Democratic party. Blacks are self-haters like Levin refers to Leftist Jews and I refer Leftists white as being self-haters racist against other whites.


Blacks reject small government, individualism, capitalism, and egoist ethics—sneering at them and dismissing them as white values—which they are to a great extent, but socialism, altruism, big government, and group-living destroys most whites too or keeps them from hyper-succeeding.


In fact, whites values or Objectivist values is of universal application and benefit, transcending  white people and would be a boon for all other groups to adopt. With this new moral ethos black lives finally will matter.


The individualist or individuators or first-hander takes himself seriously as someone with a God-given job to do in this world and he had better get cracking. He rejects brotherhood, victimhood, blaming others for one’s failures, rejecting government handouts and discard leaning on tribal hatred of whites as a waste of their lives and irrelevant to their futures.


For blacks this moral revolution in taking on Objectivist values is their only hope; whether they blend their own values and culture with secular or religious objectivism, it does not much matter for after so transitioning their future will be bright.


At my current maintenance engineering jobs, I work with African technicians; they seem smart, creative, resourceful, proud, moody, industrious, and competent. My boss is an indigenous black man, very technically skilled, smart, and kind—all of Christians of deep faith. They confirmed what I already suspected—that, with hard-work, self-application and Objectivist values, these men and any black person can accomplish near anything they aim at and need no equality of outcome guaranteed by intrusive government to help them get ahead.

Social justice warriors need to be told by blacks to take a hike and keep their bloody, blood-stained hands off of black children.


I always learn a lot from Eric Hoffer, my philosophical grandfather. Hoffer was no egoist, but he was for individualism and moderation and against group excesses and likely group-living.

He is considered racist for telling blacks 50 years ago to get up and go and make something of their lives, and to blame whitey and no one else for their problems. He knew they were as good as whites and knew they needed to be babied by no one, and they could make it on their own, so what is holding you back, he asked. His tough-love criticism of them was not racist: it was truth-speaking bluntly. Each person, especially in wonderful America, can make it if he tries has a plan and sees it through.


Hoffer wrote in one of his books about how conqueror peoples victimizers colonizers like the Germans and Japanese were defeated at the end of WWII, but they had a history of succeeding, so they adjusted took what capitalism, democracy and West offered them and built two of the most wealthy economies in the world.


Somehow others peoples like native Americans and blacks did not feel like powerful conquerors, so they could not forgive their oppressors not get over their racialist hatred of oppressor groups like whites, nor ever progress because adopting values from victimizers and conquerors would be one more unbearable change to accept, so they do not change, they do not advance, they do not recover, and they keep failing and keep blaming whitey.


They need the war-like spirit of the victimizer or conqueror or warrior victors without actually conquering or victimizing anyone, but by taking on Objectivist ethics, they can be mean enough, feisty enough, to feel good about themselves, and then they can eclectically and pragmatically borrow what works  from the culture of their conqueror or anyone else, without feeling it is a fatal loss of face to learn from a hated conqueror. This rigid unwillingness to grow and change and to take on white values has kept blacks from advancing and enjoying the earned good life.


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