Monday, September 18, 2023

Social Rank


When we spend our lives as joiners, a nonindividuating, group-living, selfless collectivists, the majority of our attention, time and resources are dedicated to maximizing our personal social ranking/popularity, and all moral considerations are of a lower priority, even when moral objections conflict with behaviors that we favor and follow through with.


The life of the nonindividuator  is a local version of the postmodernists collectivist that  stresses that the core of reality is nihilism, that truth or right or blurry, indefinable concepts, that the only fundamental force at work is people, within their groups, or against rival tribes, spar endless and conflict endlessly for rank, social standing and a larger share of the resources allocated to oneself based upon one’ s rank that one is battling to gain, or at least defend from attackers from below.


It is the law of the jungle as the war of all against all is a battle for power and the right to sadistically inflict unnecessary pain of as many as possible below, while limited the amount of those higher up in the higher that one must thank for their abuse of oneself as their subordinate.


To escape this nightmare scenario of unceasing fighting for power, rank and resources, it would be better to push individuating and individual-living so all could be more or less equals without sadomasochist rank games, and people would then have power to do their own thing, create wealth, to trade and live and let live in a free market constitutional republic. Power can be held and shared a bit with little conflict, little altruism worn on one’s sleeve, or need for social strife.

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