Sunday, September 10, 2023

Human Nature


I believe that we are born basically evil, not just not born morally neutral or born basically good. Much of our wicked living is immediately evident in the self-aware person.


She group-lives and her whole social mission in life is to remain popular with her biological and adopted groups which she belongs to. She wants to gain in rank and popularity within those circles, if possible. To make this possible, she has to not stand out or above the crowd. She needs to think and act in conformity to what her packs and their leaders decide are what the groups stand for and will accomplish.


 She must sadistically self-loathe by smacking down those below her in the group hierarchy, those more individual and slightly less groupist and sold out, those less pretty or healthy or talented, those that are mavericks, or foreign implants, coming from rival tribes or groups.


She must masochistically enjoy being enslaved to the group mores and culture, not allowed dissent or independent thinking from its preference. She must appreciate being slapped down and being peed upon by those above her in power and popularity within the group hierarchy.


The endless power-struggle for rank and power, the dog-eat-dog social context of bitter competing for rank, and the perpetual quarreling over all of it—this she considers her lovely, normal and meaningful life. And the life of the lie is what she has settled for.


She also is ensconced in the herd’s fortress, repelling the quiet, internal voice of conscience and invitation from the Good Spirits for her to self-realize and serve them. Neither peace, truth, joy, or happiness will be her lot on earth—and perhaps in the next world—for snubbing friendly divinities.


That billions of people live this way, insist upon living this way, and die this way, having learned nothing, it does not make me see people as good, admirable or wise.

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