Friday, September 22, 2023

The Wrong Choice


We are born fallen, and, with our group-living and nonindivduating, we are motivated by pleasing the group, acting, speaking, and thinking as the group thinks—maintaining conformity and uniformity with the groupthink is how one retains and possibly gains an eagerly coveted  increase in rank and popularity in the group. 


The altruist-collectivist moral code, in spite of its usefulness to humans in its minority advantage, is that it encourages agents to be generous, selfless and other-centered; in the main, this code and set of values is disadvantageous, reinforcing human natural low self-esteem, and the resulting rage, hatred of all--including the self--is the source of unwellness and gratuitous suffering in the world, so this is why I advocate egoism-individualism as the desirable moral code for humans to live by, so they can learn to watch for and mitigate their minor, moral disadvantage of promoting egoism, which can lead to people being selfish and hostile to the common good, but mostly self-regarding is a personal and social boon, in its form as the self-controlled, disciplined, enlightened way, to benefit the self, others, society and to extend God's kingdom on earth.


This instintive and conscious obsession with monitoring and increasing one's rank in the hierarchy of one’s desired clique is the primary compass by which people make a moral decision. Whether group choices conflict with one’s moral values or not, most people, most of the time, will choose doing what is evil over what is right when that is the group’s expectation of them. Most people sell their soul cheap, easy, quick, and repeatedly (it gets easier to sell out, the more and the longer that one’s submits to corruption) to gain temporary rank and popularity, and then they are corrupt and owned by the pack, and that bad, habituated, behavioral pattern is lived for a lifetime. Then demons occupy their souls and being.


When a great soul invites a popular, joiner to leave the group, and come out and join him in a life of excellence, piety and virtue, the joiner may feel pulled to do so, but she cannot withstand, in most cases, group, prior expectations to the contrary.


The joiner that betrays the great soul and his invitation for her to leave the group and to come alive and seek to fulfill an opportunity for fulfillment, meaning and happiness, she, of her own free will, has chosen to go deeper into the life of sin and wickedness, now an inveterate conformist to the groupist way of life, the center of power for the children of darkness.


Dennis Prager advises us to fear God not man, but that is not how we are wired, and that is not how we live because the Dark Couple own this world, and they use people’s self-destructive love of and addiction to altruist ethics, to keep people group-living, self-hating and living lives of mediocrity. In short, people crave group high rank and popularity and high rank in this world more than anything else, and will sacrifice all moral obligations to grow in worldly power of powerlessness within their group; in other words, most people fear man (the social majority around them) more than they fear the Divine Couple, Individuators both.


Most people choose the way of the pack they belong to, a worldly, sinful culture and way of life, so they are choosing man (really a collectivized humanity, a front for Evil Spirits, actually) over God almost all the time.


To choose God over man is to self-realize as the Individuated/Individuating Divine Couple are and are doing, and that requires standing out from the crowd and going beyond constricting group-living.


The woman that refuses to go out and join the great soul has two motives for her refusal. She cannot go against these motives—she has not the will or nor the desire to leave a life of sinning. Her first motive (This desire is to grow, not in self-esteem but in social esteem; it is an inverse relationship: the greater her social power and popularity, proportionately the lower her self-esteem, the more bad is her will is, that by siding with the groupists, who hate and seek to destroy and forestall the great soul, she is a cruel. Her hurtful display of siding with the sinners over the first-hander, signals to him and her peers that she has chosen to side with the pack, and her clear decision reinforces and strengthens her pack standing, rank and popularity—their rewards to her for betraying God, the great soul and herself--and these rewards are her standard for moral choices made. As she grows in popularity, she grows in evil, and she most willingly sides with man that she fears, over God that she does not recognize, does not fear, or at least does not see as upset with her cruelty towards one of De’s favorite humans.


Her other motive is harder to identify and to explain, but I will try.  It is an existential reality that is hard to describe, identify and classify, but it motivates her deeply, and is a real threat to her well-being, to her victim’s well-being, to the well-being of society. Her deliberate cruelty is thwarting God’s plan to bring love and an end or at least great reduction in needless, malevolent suffering among humans on earth.


She is filled with self-loathing and no self-esteem. The way it works in the social world of the community is that humans, like animals in the jungle, strive endlessly often destructively, competing with each other to gain power, rank and more resources at the expense of neighbors.


Warring, battling, and fighting for power and rank against oneself, others and against foreign groups and tribes is the unending social pattern of quarreling, jostling, manipulating, and saying and doing anything useful for one to win the endless and unending, sadomasochist games that constitute social relations.


She has dedicated her entire life and lifetime to betraying and not fearing God, for the sake of temporary, worldly rewards and gains granted her by her herd, for her submissions to its games and requirements. For her support of and enthusiastic loyalty to collectivist social hierarchy structures, she has agreed to allow those above her in rank, power, and popularity to sadistically dump on her and s figuratively more than literally slap her around, degrading and humiliating her, inflicting needless and inexcusable suffering and pain upon her.


Now she has paid a heavy price in taking all the unjust slights and attacks from her superiors, so her motive for attacking, slapping down and scapegoating upon the great soul is her chance to play the sadist and pigeonhole the defenseless and innocent great soul, relegating him to a place within the hierarchy at the very bottom. She has discovered a target for abuse that is ideal, because no one is a bigger loser--in the eyes of the worldly--than the outlier great soul, with zero social esteem assigned to him. He has no friends, no casual acquaintances, and to associate with him is to lose approval and popularity, and she knows this and selfishly (Selfishness is most prevalent in selfless joiners.) and cunningly sides with those that butter her bread, even though it is bad for her, the great soul, and the group. By betraying the great soul, she is growing evil in the world, and she knows it but does it anyway. Group preferences and the perpetuation of their way of living are her self-assigned goals to get done.


She wants revenge for the suffering that she has endured, and her ruthless, merciless abuse of the great soul, or anyone of lesser social rank, is a way to play the sadist against a person (pigeonholed into the role of victim and whipping boy, deserving of abuse by the pack) of lower rank and popularity by the pack’s hierarchy system of social position assigned to each pack member.


The ‘inferior’ great soul is below her in rank and popularity, so she is authorized by the pack to inflict unwarranted pain and suffering on a human being of lower social rank, and that reward for her misbehavior and malevolence is this second motive that is irresistible for her to combat. She spreads evil and needless suffering in the world, hurting her victims, herself and society, and insults and rebels against God and the angels at the same time.


She is signaling to the great soul that he is such a a pathetic loser in the eyes of the world, that (Hoffer notes that each pack, when radicalized as a mass movement, requires a Devil/scapegoat (innocent) to blame for all of the collectivists’ problems,  a most unjust, unfair and mendacious attack of hysterical abuse and blame heaped upon the scapegoat without cause)  this permanent social rank assigned by her to the great soul—assigned without his consent--is so low and unpopular, that he will be abused by everyone in the collective community for a lifetime, if he is willing to go along with this and just live as an untouchable at the fringes of the community. He may be so good, beautiful, and startling to the pack, that they go into mob-formation and just kill him. No mob can tolerate excellent and love in their midst for very long.


Or, if the great soul, rebels against the mob, and openly keeps his head up, and fights back courageously, forever, the woman informs her peers, and that pack goes into mob-attack formation, and they will go as far as they have to go, turn as cruel and violent and dishonest as they have to go, throwing any veneer of ethics and decency out the window, to crush his defiant will. The mob must have the most power, the most success, the last word, and victory over a competing voice must be achieved at all costs. The mob’s lust for totalitarian power over all is a bottomless craving.


They grow demonic force in the world at this point, because they in their mob role, are one giant, powerful individual a colossal sadist that aggressively goes after the great soul, and if the great soul does not back off and he often won’t and should not, they will kill him or try to. If he is armed and fights back and kills a couple of them in self-defense, then he dies with honor, but they are going to take him out for sure. The altruist-collectivist mob is not restrained by conscience or moral reservations: their only standard of behavior is to win and gain more power: that is their amoral compass by which to choose how to act. To expand group will, its cause, its power and wealth, to expand their power by any means whatever: the end is total  victory by any means at any cost of lives to expendable members to grow the brand. That is their only criterion for how to act in the world.


By contrast, I offer a Mavellonialist alternative: a society of God-loving, God-fearing, upper middle class of anarchist-individuator supercitizens that are roughly equal in wealth, power, and social rank, and they get along pretty well without much in the way of hierarchies or sadomasochistic social games.


Groupists operate on the axiom that when each adult enjoys positively wiled his natural share of the world’s power and growing it by honorable means and hard work, and wields his share of power and resources as a maverizer, then power is present in his life and in the lives of his neighbors personally and as a community, but the inevitable presence of power and its allocation need not lead to conflict or war on any level inside the self, or among others, that peace and cooperation will be negotiated successfully while people do compete gently with a sense of humor without all the concomitant, deadly occurrence of social games now inflicted upon humanity by other humans in every society, more or less.


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